Mariston Settlement in Ailosod | World Anvil


The History of Mariston

The town of Mariston was founded by military families, merchants, and craftsmen involved in building and supporting Fort Crag. The multi-tiered landscape abutting the river provided a strategic location for an observation post and control point for commerce along the river. Below the falls, an elven trader had already staked out land for a trading post and warehouses, as the only way to move supplies up river beyond the falls was to haul them up the cliff.   Over the century in which the fort has stood, the town below it has expanded by attracting merchants seeking to travel above or below the falls as well as the dock and warehouse workers needed to transport the goods. The newest addition to the town is a series of large cranes that are used to hoist and lower ships to bypass the waterfall. The ship elevator is provided as a municipal service requiring standardized fees for use. This was deemed necessary after several riots involving workers who lost their jobs hauling goods around the falls.



The highest points in the town lie within the military fortifications of the Overlook district. Originally chosen as the site for a watchtower, the butte’s location and size warranted a greater presence. Currently, the district houses a small residential area for military families along with most of the administration buildings for the town. A gatehouse stands at the base of the road controlling the flow of traffic into Overlook. While the gate normally remains open, the guards stand ready to seal off the district should such action be required.  

North Bank

Seeking to have the best protection and access to the military, the more affluent citizens, be they merchants or nobles, have taken up residence between the northern bank of the river and the cliffs that separate them from Overlook and Lower Mariston. North Bank is primarily a residential area featuring ornate houses, parks, and gardens. The few businesses to be found here are services frequently used by the inhabitants such as bakeries and livery stables.  

South Bank

Two wide stone bridges span the river from North Bank to South Bank. They are tall enough to allow riverboats to pass beneath them in all but the highest of flood waters. Unlike the northern district, South Bank is home to markets and shops purveying fine goods and services. Over the past 25 years, South Bank has also seen a rise in residences as North Bank overflows.  

Lower Mariston

Located at the base of Tierna’s Ridge and along the bank of Loch Nara, Lower Mariston—also called “Down Falls” by many—is home to the working class. The district is a mix of shops, residential buildings, and warehouses much like the docks of any river city. In addition to handling merchant and military cargo, the local docks support a thriving fishing industry. The lake appears as a narrow break in the river below the falls, but its depth is deceiving. This fact accounts for both the variety and quantity of fish and aquatic creatures found here.


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