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Erxes Rosso

Erxes is a striking teal-skinned tiefling with horns that curve backward from his forehead. He keeps his hair short and neatly groomed. He has sharp, piercing eyes that seem to take in every detail of his surroundings. He dresses in well-tailored, fashionable clothing, favoring dark colors that contrast with his unusual skin tone.   Erxes is charming, confident, and a bit of a risk-taker. He's drawn to the excitement and unpredictability of Mienica's underworld, and he's not one to shy away from a good gamble. While he's often a jovial presence at the casino, he's also quite shrewd and quick-witted when it comes to making deals and navigating the complex relationships within the city. Erxes has a natural ability to read people, making him an excellent judge of character.   Erxes grew up in the shadows of the Shade's operations, observing the ins and outs of the family's underworld dealings from a young age. While he hasn't pursued a formal education in a specific class, he's picked up various skills and knowledge related to the family's operations. His experience as a tiefling in Mienica has shaped him into a resilient and adaptable individual, and he's adept at leveraging his unique heritage to his advantage.


Erxes Rosso


Towards Yasmin Rosso

Yasmin Rosso


Towards Erxes Rosso

Yasmin Rosso (spouse)


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