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Seraphina Iados (sara-fee-nah AYE-ah-dos)

Seraphina Iados, once a tiefling alchemist of considerable skill, became entwined with the Aguri family through her marriage to Arrius Aguri. In her pursuit of alchemical knowledge, she ventured into the intricate world of concoctions and potions. Her talents were both a boon and a burden, as her experimental nature led to a fateful day when an explosion claimed her life. The accident occurred within the clandestine halls of The Shade, a place where she had found an unexpected intersection of her passion for alchemy and the shadowy dealings of the family.

Her untimely demise cast a lingering shadow over the Aguri household, leaving behind a legacy of both innovation and sorrow. Some viewed her experiments as a daring quest for progress, while others saw them as a reckless pursuit that led to tragedy. Regardless, Seraphina's memory lives on in the potions she crafted, the stories whispered in the corridors of The Shade, and the hearts of those who loved her. The echoes of her alchemical pursuits linger, shaping the family's connection to both the arcane and the emotional realms.


Arrius Aguri


Towards Seraphina Iados

Seraphina Iados


Towards Arrius Aguri

2970 3012 42 years old
Arrius Aguri (spouse)


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