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The Shade

This criminal organization is run by the matriarchal Tiefling family the Aguri's. They deal in entertainment, gambling, and drug development and production.


A matriarchal family organization. Women are heads of the family units, the givers of life and name. Families are often not just two parents, and instead, larger groups. A family will consist of a mother and a few children, often with different fathers. The more influential women in the family get their pick of male lovers, so siblings are often half and only tracked through their mothers' side of the family.

The Aguri family has ruled since The Shade's founding.


Men are no less masculine than in a patriarchal society. Instead, femininity is viewed as a more important strength.

Public Agenda

To the public, they are a showy, rich family that puts a lot of time and effort into entertaining the Keldris of Mienica. Those who live in The Throat and below often travel down to the Keldris for an event. There is a large colosseum for a variety of events - gladiatorial-style fights with rare magical creatures, battle royales, mazes, obstacle courses, realistic battle reenactments, and dramatic and violent theatre. When there aren't shows, there are lavish gambling rooms, filled with the rich of Mienica. There's both a dress code and an expectation of manners and status. There are also always recreational drugs available in addition to alcohol.


The Shade makes quite a bit of coin from three things: gambling, entertainment, and drugs.  
  • Dream Flake: Thin slivers of a dried, black fungus. When placed between the cheek and gum, it induces hallucinations and euphoria. When smoked, the user enters an extremely vivid waking dream, which can last for hours. Extended use blackens the teeth and makes 'bad trips' more common. Addictive.
  • Sundrop: a bright yellow/orange liquid, naturally incandescent, as if it was a liquefied ray of sunshine (henceforth the name). Originally used as a magically synthesized antidepressant, Sundrop when consumed tricks the user into believing that they are happy, as it quite literally gives them ‘warm feelings’. Over-usage may leave the user feeling withered between uses, as their dependency has rendered them unable to produce dopamine and serotonin. Over time users also commonly begin to build tolerances to Sundrop, requiring greater quantities to be consumed to maintain the effect. Overdosing on Sundrop causes feverish conditions, as the drug radiates through the user's veins, ultimately burning them alive from the inside out.
  • Agony: The distilled essence of pain. Mainly used by torturers as a social lubricant, but masochists will sometimes also seek it out. When the thick, reddish-brown liquid is ingested (via mouth), the user is hit by intense pain, making them unable to move for 2 rounds, having disadvantage on all ability checks for 1d6+1 minutes. During this time, a target will likely give up any info. After the pain, the user feels intense pleasure for 1d4 hours, although this is less an effect of Agony and more of them appreciating their lack of pain.
  • Reverie Sticks: Thin, hollow sticks similar to those used for incense. When burned, the smoke causes non-hostile creatures to enter a relaxed, dreamlike state. Reverie sticks can also be snapped in half under one's nose; a sharp inhale of its contents delivers a powerful rush of euphoria. The user has advantage on checks to resist fear and disadvantage on checks to resist being charmed for 1d4 hours.
  • Goji Leaves: Originally created as a weapon of war, Goji Leaves (when taken in just about any form) give you resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage, advantage on all strength checks and saving throws. User doesn't become angry though, instead becoming far more confident than they could have ever been without it, nearly crossing the line into cocky. After an hour, you make a DC 16 CON save. Failure results in the creature being stunned for 1d4 minutes and poisoned for 1d4 days. This is a drug that patrons will give to those fighting in the games.


The organization was begun by Serenity Aguri, who bought out the tavern where she worked, and expanded into gambling and entertainment. Over the next two generations, there was enough profit to build a large arena and casino nearby, and the business bloomed.
Founding Date
Illicit, Syndicate
Leader Title
Parent Organization

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