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The Monastery of the Veiled Eclipse

Situated on the fifth floor of the Keldris in Mienica , this hidden sanctuary is nestled amidst the rocky outcroppings and subterranean landscapes, providing its members with a unique connection to the Keldris, the city above, and the mysteries of the underground.   **Raven Imagery:** The Raven Queen's sacred symbol, a raven with outstretched wings, is emblazoned on the monastery's banners, meditative chambers, and the clothing of its members. The dark and mysterious imagery of the raven is prevalent throughout the monastery, with carved statues and engravings of these creatures gracing the courtyards and chambers.   **Monastic Life:** The Veiled Eclipse Monastery is relatively small, housing a select group of monks, some of whom belong to the Way of the Long Death tradition, while others are devoted to the teachings of the Death Domain as clerics. The monks prioritize discipline, self-reflection, and attunement to the rhythms of the Keldris and the whisperings of the Raven Queen.   **Independent Philosophy:** While the monastery collaborates with other factions in Mienica, it remains an autonomous entity. The Veiled Eclipse monks and clerics believe in their duty to the Raven Queen above all else, and they value their independence to determine the best way to serve her will.   **Training and Self-Reflection:** Initiation into the Veiled Eclipse Monastery involves rigorous training, both physical and spiritual. Monks practice martial combat, meditation, and attunement to the Weave. All members are required to engage in self-reflection sessions, understanding their place in the natural order and what their connection to the Weave means.   The Veiled Eclipse Monastery is a place of both spiritual contemplation and practical study, where the concepts of life, death, and the Weave are deeply intertwined. It's a space where the practitioners of the Raven Queen's teachings can delve into the mysteries of the Keldris and seek enlightenment.


Caelia Ravenshadow and Vaelen Ravenshadow co-run the Monastery, taking on the Monk and Clergy sections appropriately. They have been running it for 187 years, after their mother passed.


Core Belief: The Veiled Eclipse Monastery is dedicated to the worship of the Raven Queen, the goddess of death. Monks and clerics who reside here believe in the sanctity of the natural cycle of life, death, and rebirth. They understand the importance of death as a transition, not as an end.

Public Agenda

Alliance with Ishruza and Aguri: The Veiled Eclipse Monastery has maintained positive relations with the Ishruza and the Aguri, two influential families in Mienica. These alliances help the monks and clerics access necessary resources and promote mutual interests, particularly when it comes to exploring the deeper secrets of the Keldris and the Weave. The Aguri family often calls upon the monastery for guidance in situations involving life and death, while the Ishruza support the monastery's exploration and endeavors.


Healing Arts: The Death Domain clerics focus on mastering the arts of life, death, and the healing that can be found in both. Their skills are not limited to combat, but also extend to caring for the spiritual and physical well-being of the monastery's residents. They use their knowledge of the body's vulnerabilities to understand its strengths, making them exceptional healers.


Founding: The monastery was founded many centuries ago by a group of monks and clerics dedicated to the worship of the Raven Queen. The group believed that in the heart of the Keldris, a place of deep magic, mystery, and connection to the Weave, they could better understand the goddess's domain over death, fate, and the cycle of life.   Early Struggles: In the early years of the monastery, it faced numerous challenges. The Keldris was still an untamed, unforgiving place with many dangers. Frequent cave-ins and tremors from the shifting caverns made life precarious. To the residents of Mienica, the idea of living so deep within the Keldris was incomprehensible, and they regarded the monks with skepticism and a certain degree of fear.   Survival and Growth: Over time, the monks persevered, fortifying the monastery to withstand the Keldris's unpredictable nature. They delved deep into the mysteries of the underground, forming an intrinsic connection to the heart of the Keldris. As their knowledge and understanding grew, so did the number of monks and clerics who sought the Veiled Eclipse for training.   Alliances with Powerful Families: The Veiled Eclipse Monastery began to form alliances with influential families like the Ishruza and Aguri. These collaborations solidified the connection between the monastery and the power brokers of Mienica, leading to mutual benefits.   A Place of Learning: Over the years, the Veiled Eclipse Monastery became renowned as a place of learning and enlightenment. It attracted individuals from across Mienica and beyond who sought to serve the Raven Queen.   The Abbot Caelia Ravenshadow Era: Abbot Caelia Ravenshadow, the current leader of the monastery, took the helm after the passing of the previous abbot. Her leadership brought a new era of growth and exploration. Under her guidance, the Veiled Eclipse Monastery became more actively involved in partnerships with the Ishruza and Aguri, using their resources to fund further research and expeditions.   Contributions to the City: As the monks and clerics of the Veiled Eclipse continued to deepen their understanding of the cycle of life and death, they played a critical role in times of crisis. They offered counsel during epidemics, helped in disaster recovery, and provided spiritual guidance to the city's residents. The Aguri family, in particular, sought their expertise in medical matters and the creation of specific alchemical remedies and drugs.


The Raven Queen
Mienica - Korrus 5
Religious, Monastic Order
Notable Members

Articles under The Monastery of the Veiled Eclipse


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