Adrian Lemont Character in Aither | World Anvil
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Adrian Lemont

A young paladin of The Arms of Elysium, and son of the former champion of the militia, Garan Lemont, Adrian, despite his parentage, is known to be a good lad, being far less controversial than his father. To be expected, Adrian is a talented warrior, despite his age, which seems to be something that he inherited from his father. In spite of this, when he joined The Demon Knight, along with other paladins and knights, to siege the slave camps of Ad-Durat, he was captured and held at the very place that he was sent to liberate.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Many have called Adrian the complete reflection of his father, back when he was young, with wavy, blonde hair and a tall, athletic build. He is often seen wearing custom armour, likely to denote his parentage and the strength of his bloodline, which is made from darkened, steel plate and red gambeson underneath, which is a set of armour very similar to his father's.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Raised by the other members of the church, rather than his father, Adrian ended up quite different from his old man, being far kinder because of his time spent around orphans that were brought to be raised by the church. This tempered him to be much less of a zealot, spending enough time with the public to understand the faults of the order he fought he for. Despite this, Adrian was fully aware of his father's fame, and that he would have little choice about becoming a member of the Arms of Elysium due to this reputation. He knew that what he wanted would mean little, as he stood in the shadow of his father.
Date of Birth
33rd of Lyntel
Year of Birth
459 ADE 23 Years old

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