The Demon Knight Character in Aither | World Anvil
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The Demon Knight

Grigor Eichwald

"I felt like I wasn't enough for her; for Shari . I wanted her to know, to meet the parents that she should've had." - Grigor
Sir Grigor Eichwald, more commonly known as The Demon Knight, is the commander of the The Knights of Alderhardt, as well as the Champion of Kitzstadt and the wielder of the legendary sword, Storm-Weaver. Despite being a half orc, Grigor is well respected in the predominantly human country of Alderhardt, with many valuing the work that he has done, along with the work that he will continue to do.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Although he is a well built half orc in his late 30s, not many even know his race outside of the city of Kitzstadt. Grigor almost always wears his dark plated, demon like armor, with a black cape draping over his shoulders, which came with the gothic greatsword, Storm-Weaver. His armor is angular, and his helm has iron horns, forming a crown like structure atop his helmet, adding to his demonic appearance.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born a half orc and raised in the mostly human city of Kitzstadt, Grigor was ostracised a great deal during his youth. Instead of being spiteful, Grigor chose to become a Knight, choosing to earn the respect of the people who look down on him, rather than exacting revenge on them. In the military, he found that he was a prodigy of war, and, after being knighted, was accepted by Storm-Weaver, earning him the title of champion. Grigor became a general after this, leading the Knight of Alderhardt against the Yuan Ti of Oshal, earning him his reputation of being The Demon Knight.


Shari Eichwald

Adopted Daughter (Vital)

Towards The Demon Knight



The Demon Knight

Adoptive Father (Vital)

Towards Shari Eichwald



Current Location
Date of Birth
36th of Corrien
Year of Birth
428 ADE 54 Years old
Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Green
Aligned Organization

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