Garan Lemont Character in Aither | World Anvil
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Garan Lemont

Former champion of The Arms of Elysium, and renowned Knight of Alderhardt, Garan Lemont is now currently in retirement, choosing to stay in the affluent city of Strale. Garan is a well known, controversial figure, being relinquished of his title as the Blade of Elysium, under strange circumstances by the Bishops of Strobenheim. Now he acts as one of the nobles in Strale's aristocratic circle, being more so a figurehead, living off his prior fame during his time as a famed warrior.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Being an older, human, one would assume that Garan would be far frailer than he is; however, in spite of being retire, he has managed to maintain his build, still being an imposing figure. He could not delay the affects of age, leading him to have a greying beard, and a near silver head of hair.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Being raised in the Arms of Elysium since he was a young boy, Garan learned all he could about the faith, becoming one of the Church's most zealous followers. His skill with the blade was unmatched by those of his generation, and him being granted the title of the Blade of Elysium, as well as the Storm Bringer sword.   His zealousness, along with his new authority would lead him to make questionable decisions, as well as gather others of similar thinking. He is, strangely enough, blamed for something that was not his fault, as he simply followed orders from King Florian Meitner, thus committing The Bloodhunter Purge.
Date of Birth
41st of Imnis
Year of Birth
429 ADE 53 Years old

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