Ayame Taru Character in Aither | World Anvil
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Ayame Taru

The renowned sword master Ayame Taru was once the leader of the famed adventuring party The Everhaust Hunters, until the group disbanded after the defeat of a devil and his cult. Ayame herself is simply now a traveler, hunting monsters and brigands across the land as a wandering hero of sorts, in order to sate the hunger of her blade that had been gifted to her by the Raven Queen, also known as Avalore, the Goddess of Death.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Tall, slender and elegant, Ayame looks like a graceful fencer, wielding Talon's Grace, the blade given to her by the mysterious stranger at her wedding, and the rapier given to her by her father. Over her shoulders, Ayame wears leather armor, and wears a long gambeson skirt to cover her lower body. Underneath all of this, she simply wears a white shirt and brown leather trousers. Due to losing an arm after facing off against the Everhaust Beast, Ayame was able to have one regenerated for her after meeting with the druid, and ex-leader of The Gauntlet of Kitzstadt, Tharaz Tonack. Due to the half orc's druidic powers, Ayame's right hand almost seems wood like in appearance, with wooden vines forming tendons along the arm.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Raised in The Martéan Empire, despite being of of descent from the cursed lands, Ayame never truly felt at home in her birth place. She had a supportive father, who was a member of Martia's Honorguard, and kind, loving mother, but their family was not a rich one, and struggled to keep up with the aristocratic life style of a Martéan Knight. Although Ayame's father had trained her to be a skilled swordsman, just like him, the family needed money, so Ayame was married off to another noble family at the age of 17.   Ayame's new husband was abusive, often beating her. This lasted for a year, and Ayame bared it for the sake of her family's financial well being. When Ayame's parents came to visit her, they were horrified to discover the abuse their daughter had to put up with and, after confronting her husband, he attacked Ayame's mother. Ayame felt the blade that she had received as a wedding gift from a mysterious figure sing to her, telling her to kill her husband to save her mother. She didn't hesitate, running the blade through her husband. Although grateful, Ayame's parents told her that she had to leave, fleeing the Martéan Empire.   Ayame found that the blade in her hand granted her powers that aided her swordsmanship, and decided that she would attempt to use her powers to aid others, travelling to Concidorne after hearing of trouble there. Whilst there, she helped found the adventuring group, which would later be called The Everhaust Hunters. During her time with the Hunters, she became close with all the members, even forming a romance with Caius Vendel. This pseudo romance ended after Cauis learned of The Bloodhunter Purge, causing him to live in solitude in the Fort Stouthardt. After ending the cult of a devil, the Hunter's disbanded, and Ayame continued to travel the world as a wandering adventurer.
Date of Birth
15th of Rizora, 453ADE
Dark Brown
Long, lack
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization

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