The Bloodhunter Purge in Aither | World Anvil
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The Bloodhunter Purge

Occurring on the 6th of Rizora, 474ADE, The Bloodhunter Purge was enacted by The Knights of Alderhardt and The Arms of Elysium on the behalf of King Florian Meitner, who was the newly crowned ruler of Alderhardt at that time. This was in response to the King's father being assassinated by a Bloodhunter of the Nightwalker, Sivri Downgardt.   After Sivri had broken the Bloodhunter law of accepting and completing a job of assassinating a person, making the situation was made even more difficult given that the person she killed was the King of Alderhardt, the other Bloodhunters arranged a meeting, where they would discuss what to do with Sivri. Their solution was to create a potion that takes away a Bloodhunter's abilities away, which could only be made by the joint effort of several Bloodhunter Grand Masters. After creating the potion, they sent word to Florian Meitner, offering an apology, as well as a notice that they are willing to give the King Florian the murderer of his father, Sivri, so that she may be tried by him.   The response was not one that the Bloodhunters were hoping for. Instead, King Florian sent the Knights of Alderhardt and the Arms of Elysium to siege the fortress, killing all that they came across. After the battle had ended, Sivri had escaped, and the legendary Bloodhunter, Calder Echarlion was the only one to survive. This day was known as the day of the Bloodhunter Purge, and is popularly known as the Day of Wrath by the people of Alderhardt, demonstrating the anger of their King, which he has not shown since.

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