Elendir Settlement in Aither | World Anvil
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The capital of The Ithryl Woods, Elendir is a city built within the protection of a magical dome, which seems perpetually dimmed by the canopy above. The city itself is lit to a tint of pale blue, with the light coming from the tops of towers with magical sentries protecting the interior of the dome. Many runes are placed throughout the town's streets, allowing people to reach a higher level, where certain building hang at the height just below the canopy. A great tree, larger than any in The Continent, stands in the centre of the city, with a palace built from the base of the tree, around the trunk of said tree, and having its towers carved into and protruding from the thicker branches of the tree. At the base of the palace, in its courtyard, lies a planes gate, leading into the realm of Feywild.
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