Faenor Anari-Fellon Character in Aither | World Anvil
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Faenor Anari-Fellon

Professor Faenor Anari

A senior professor of the Erendriel Academy of Magic, Faenor is noted for being a member of the famed adventuring party The Gauntlet of Kitzstadt, and has been serving as both a mentor of magic in Feywild, as well as Renna Fellon's protegee, the arch-mage of Feywild. Faenor is known to be one of the most powerful users of the arcane in all of Feywild, inventing the Greater Familiar spell in order to earn her place as Renna's most prized apprentice. To go along with Faenor's many skills and job titles, she is also the head arcane liaison to the Ithryl Woods, teaching many of their best war mages at the Erendriel Academy.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Shorter than most, while maintaining the signature slim frame possessed by elves, Faenor, with her pale, silver hair and light amber eyes, appears unique amongst her people. She often wears the academy issued cloak, often shyly wrapping herself up in it. Underneath, she often wears a long sleeved, white shirt, with a leather chest piece on top, worn more so out of habit rather than anything else.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Circumstances of her Birth

Faenor's life was difficult from the very beginning. Her parents were captured by the yuan-ti of Oshal, and taken to the slave pits whilst her mother was pregnant. She was born a slave, and her parents did the best they could to keep their daughter alive, but it became impossible to do so while keeping themselves alive. The birth itself was a difficult one, forcing her mother to live the rest of her life in failing health. Faenor herself was not that healthy from this point either, always being frail and small, while always being ill, but she always seemed to survive. At the age of ten, Faenor lost both of her parents, surviving from the grace of strangers around her. She was taught many languages, and taught a great deal from all the different people that had been enslaved alongside her, learning about the arcane, but unable to practice any of it, given the anti-magic restraints that slaves are forced to wear.  

Liberation from Slavery

Many took pity on her as she was born into this world of slavery, not knowing the normal life of freedom, which a child should be raised in. Faenor took much of this in her stride, not knowing a world any better, despite being constantly told about life before being captured. Her long life; however, worked against her, as many of the people that had looked after her died before she would have normally been considered and adult, for an elf. She learned loss early, making her somewhat cold as the decades went by, but she always seemed to manage, seemed to do just enough to stay alive.   Being a slave for seventy six years, she was eventually saved by The Knights of Alderhardt, specifically by the paladin Yenros Karden, who broke her chains and looked after her as she was returned to Alderhardt. What she found most strange was the ability to finally use magic, after learning about its theory for so long, and the moment she was freed, she shot out shards of ice from her palms, aiding in the slaughter of those that she was once force to serve. Seeing this, Yenros took her to the Ridrose Institute of Magic, explaining her unique understanding of magic. Many of the other slaves capable of the arcane arts called her a genius, so much so that it caught the attention of Aldin Ridrose himself, allowing her admittance to the university.  

A Student of the Arcane

Faenor became one of the most studious pupils in the university, and a favourite of Aldin himself, learning from him. She did not agree with a lot of his inhumane methods, reminding her too much of her time as a slave. Outside of this; however, Faenor enjoyed herself, having full access to so much knowledge while have, essentially, free rain in using the arcane arts practically. She was always a little quiet, given all that she had seen, and found it difficult to adapt to the early years in civilisation, often being startled but the simplest of things, such as a tap on the shoulder. To her surprise, most were understanding, especially one of the professors, Thuni Khem. Thuni took over as Faenor's tutor after Aldin grew frustrated with her morality prohibiting her abilities, evolving her into a brilliant wizard. Although she did not have the practical experience of other, senior students, she did have an understanding of the arcane that few others possessed.  

Founding the Gauntlet

Wanderlust eventually took over Faenor, as she had yet to see the world. Thuni's many rambling tales would have been enough to trigger the need to explore in anyone and Faenor was no exception. Knowing that she may not do well travelling alone, she contacted her once savior, Yenros, in the hopes of catching up and possibly having him be a travelling companion, especially because of all the unfortunate events that had occurred to him. Meeting up for Kitzstadt's Founding Festival, they met many other adventures, being Echaron Fellon, Carrius Simara, Tharla Olyth, Tharaz Tonack, Kallun Bandur and Uther Nariak Flintvigor Gathakupine Artax. This group ended up partaking in the Festival's annual tournament, winning it and forming the Gauntlet of Kitzstadt.    

Time in the Gauntlet

Faenor, being called Nora by the members of the Gauntlet, grew very close at unexpected speeds with all members of the Gauntlet, with the exception of Kallun, who left after the tournament ended. She loved the flamboyant nature of Carrius, the stoic yet comforting nature of Uther, the unshakable kindness of Tharla, the wit of Echaron, the wise proverbs of Tharaz and warm aura of Yenros. The first few weeks were perfect, but this ended in disaster after the death of Uther at the hands of the necromancer Allohaust. Being as jaded as she was, Nora coped with this well, at least outwardly, and she ended up being a comfort to Tharla, causing the two to become very close friends.   Nora's arcane knowledge made her one of the most instrumental members of the group, and the added application of the magic made her a destructive powerhouse by the time they came across the Cult of Kanerast , so much so that she many of her pears call her the most powerful member of the party, despite her lack of divine aid. This power of hers caused the Cult no end of trouble, and she was the main reason for their near destruction at the base of The Cael Bastion, as she levelled the area with her strongest evocation based spells.    This came to a head when the party came to face Kanerast in battle, after his escape form the Cael Bastion. Faenor, unleashing power beyond what she could actually wield in the fight against the demi-god, going blind permanently blind from the process, while aiding in the death of Kanerast. Now without the use of her eyes, Faenor was taken to Feywild by Echaron and his twin sister Ellaria Anari-Fellon, to the city of Ellhesari, in the hopes of aiding her ails. After the death of Kanerast, the Gauntlet disbanded as well, much to Nora's disappointment.   

A New Life in the Feywild

Faenor learned quickly that her eyes could not be healed. The eyes are the window to the soul, and her soul burned too bright for that one moment, removing any chance of ever being able to see through them. If healing was not an option, perhaps a new type of sight could be achieved instead. Using her status as a skilled mage, as well as demonstrating her ability in making new spells, showcasing her 'Greater Familiar' spell, granting her an apprenticeship with the archmage of Ellhesari, Renna Fellon. She was taught the art of 'arcane sight' where you sense the magic in all beings to perceive your surroundings. This became her go to way of perceiving the world around, while using her familiar's shared sight to see specifics if required.     Being ever grateful for the aid she was given by the Fellon twins, Faenor enjoyed the new life that she was presented with. Her admiration of Ellaria eventually changed to a romance, once they spent more time with one another, finding herself so warm in her presence, despite how cold she was with everyone else. As the love continued to flourish, they eventually decided to make it all more official, getting married fifteen years after meeting each other. In the wedding, Faenor asked that Tharla be her maid of honour, while she asked Yenros to take the place of her father She also decided to take the Fellon name while keeping hers, in honour of her deceased parents, making her Faenor Anari-Fellon.     She embraced her role as the apprentice of Renna as she grew more comfortable with life in the Feywild, becoming a professor in Erendriel Academy of the Arcane, as well as the arcane advisor for King Rotholian Glyn and a contact of Echaron, as he is the ambassador to the Material Plane which she once resided in.


Ellaria Anari-Fellon

Wife (Vital)

Towards Faenor Anari-Fellon



Faenor Anari-Fellon

Wife (Vital)

Towards Ellaria Anari-Fellon




After the Gauntlet had slain Kanerast, Faella was introduced to Ellaria by the later's brother, Echaron. Faella lived with the twins, while becoming the new protege to the arch mage of Ellhesari, and fell in love with Ellaria as the years went on. Eventually getting married, with Echaron as the man of honor to Ellaria, and Carrius as the man of honor to Faella.

Nicknames & Petnames

Faenor - Nora | Ellaria - Ella

Current Location
Date of Birth
43rd of Olarion
Year of Birth
359 ADE 123 Years old
Long, Silver
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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