Renna Fellon Character in Aither | World Anvil
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Renna Fellon

Archmage Rennaliah Fellon

The eldest of the eladrin, Renna Fellon is the archmage of Ellhesari, and possibly the most powerful mage to have ever lived. Noted for being one of the greatest living being in existence (in terms of power), Renna has many incredible feats that she has accomplished throughout her life, to the point where, also due to her sheer age, many forget about her early years, knowing her as the infallible archmage that managed to steal the body of an archfey and end the warring states period of Feywild.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born as Rennaliah Valran, not many remember much about Renna's youth, as she has outlived all who would remember, being close to 900 years in age. Renna had a deep hunger for knowledge, and, despite being an unnatural prodigy of the arcane arts, she realised that she would never be able to live long enough to learn all that she wanted to, causing her to, eventually, steal the body of the mischievous archfey Lyntel. Renna, after managing to complete the, once thought, impossible task, was granted the ability to create her own institute of magic, then called the Ellhesari Academy of Magic.   Renna eventually fell for Erendriel Fellon, the captain of the Ellhesari Royal Guard, marrying him years after, becoming Rennaliah Fellon. She had two children with Erendriel, Eyre and Ashera Fellon, raising the two to adulthood. Renna largely kept out the war between the city states in Feywild, choosing to instead continue in running her magical academy and surround herself with other arcane users to further her knowledge.   Eventually, the war hit Renna, leading to the death of both her husband and her daughter. In a sheer rage, and unbridled desire to end the war, Renna went to Indellon, the nearest city state, and razed it to the ground alone. Unable to compete with the sheer destructive power that Renna possessed, the other city states surrendered to Ellhesari.   Distraught, Renna changed the name of her academy to the Erendriel Academy of the Arcane, staying even further away from the political scene, focusing purely on he pursuit of magic. In this time, she took two different apprentices, Caeda Fellon (married to her grandson Ellion) and Faenor Anari-Fellon, former member of The Gauntlet of Kitzstadt., and friend of her great grandchildren.
Date of Birth
1st of Lyntel, 443BDE
Deep Yellow
Pale green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Sage green
Whatever she desires

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