Strale Settlement in Aither | World Anvil
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Closer to the eastern border of Alderhardt, Strale is a reasonably large city, built to be compact, so that the residence are safe within its walls. Known for its colourful, tiled roofs, with many of the buildings made to be taller to house more residence, Strale is known for its distinct splitting into differing sections, with a residential area consisting of many, tall buildings housing apartments for regular citizens to live in, a trading area, with a market square and many different shops, a noble area, where many of the aristocrats of the city live, the religious sector, with the churches and temples of many Gods of the Pantheon of Elysium, and the central square, where the city hall is built.   The city is split into four different squares of near equal size, with the central square resting in the middle, giving it a very quad like design. Other than this design, the city itself is known for its clock tower that is a part of the city hall, as well as its use of white bricks for many of its buildings, due to having a source of lime stone nearby.
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