Vullkack Settlement in Aither | World Anvil
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A rather unremarkable town, just east to the Alderhardt city of Strale, Vullkack's is not considered that significant, with its most notable feature being its rather peculiar name. The name has made the town a bit of a joke for many outside of it, causing the locals to wish to change its name, only to be denied, as the name has been associated with the town for several centuries.    The town is an old one, being one of the first to be constructed after Alderhardt's founding; built soon after Strobenheim, The City of the Stone Kings was made. It was made so that Strale and Kitzstadt could be better connected, being a symbol of the unity of the cities. Being built as a symbol; however, has caused the town to have little identity on its own, leaving it without its own figures or recognisable landmarks.   The town itself is rather standard, as towns go, with a local smithy, general store, stables and tavern, along with a church and school. Much of the roads are made from cobbled stones, with the buildings being constructed from dark, wooden beams and thatched roofs, existing, mainly, as a stop for those travelling to Strale from the west. Travellers, similar to Frandenyre, is noted for making up much of the town's income.
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