Valenrouse Settlement in Aither | World Anvil
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Nicknamed as 'elf town' Valenrouse is near the border between Alderhardt and The Ithryl Woods, and is a site of trade between the two peoples. Given the influence of the elves on the city, Valenrouse has incorporated a fair amount of elven architecture, making it seem like the most exotic of Alderhardt's cities. Because of its proximity to the Ithryl Woods, the city is also home to many half-elves, as it is seen as a place where they can get the best of both of their heritages.   Other than the many luxury goods that are exported out of the city, which sell quite well due to the demand of many nobles and aristocrats wanting such exotic items, Valenrouse is known for its exports in wine, making it quite the affluent settlement, though its wealth still pales in comparison to the capital, Kitzstadt, and the business capital of Strale.   In terms of actual land taken up by the city, Valenrouse is not noted for being particularly large in comparison to others, but makes up for this with use of elven architecture, building the city to be tall, mimicking the use of trees that elves often use with the implementation of tower like structures. Though not quite as small as Kronburg, Valenrouse is known to have a relatively small population, leading to many of the buildings in the city to be stores or places of trade, rather than residential. The city is also known for its lack of local, military force, as the elves of the Ithryl Woods and humans of Alderhardt have been allies for thousands of years, causing a fairly lax temperament towards general military affairs.
Large city

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