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Hamish House

Hamish House was once the home of Lady Hamish. Interested in the exploration of ancient elven ruins Lady Hamish built the stone house in the wood near Phandalin not far from several ruins that piqued her interest. The home had a view of the country side and the surrounding forest. Lady Hamish had a fondness for pumpkins, planting large patches all around the manor house. The Lady did not have many visitors. People sometimes saw her afield, searching for the ruins and their secrets. In the course of her explorations, the Lady disappeared, and the protective magical wards on her home expired. The house fell into disrepair, then eventually into ruin. Ivy has all but engulfed it in the years since.   Rumors abound around Hamish House. Some say Lady Hamish has returned. Other say the house itself is haunted. Others say the plants and vines that engulf the house are evil plant spirits exacting revenge on Lady Hamish.


The large house is set atop a six-foot-high stone foundation, and the main entrance has a balcony above it. Pumpkins grow wild in patches around the manse. The home has a large courtyard open to the sky, with a galleried breezeway on one side.
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