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Claret Captain Ashlan Barr

Claret Captain Ashlan Barr CR: 6

Medium humanoid, lawful neutral
Armor Class: 17 (Half-Plate)
Hit Points: 85 (9D10+27)
Speed: 35 ft , climb: 35 ft


20 +5


14 +2


17 +3


18 +4


11 +0


11 +0

Saving Throws: Dexterity +6, Intelligence +8
Skills: Arcana +8, Athletics +9, History +8, Intimidation +4
Senses: Darkvision 60ft., Passive Perception 11
Languages: Common and Abyssal
Challenge Rating: 6

Spellcasting. Ashlan is a 9th-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). She regains her expended spell slots when she finishes a short or long rest. She knows the following warlock spells:

  • Cantrips (at will): booming blade, sword burst.
  • 1st-2nd level (Two 2nd-level slots): armour of agathys, cause fear, hold person invisibility, lesser restoration (1/Day), mirror image.
Sehanine's Devotee (1/Day). Ashlan can cast Disguise Self with this trait. Additionally, she knows the minor illusion cantrip. Charisma is her spellcasting modifier for both these spells.   Sehanine's Votary (1/Day). Ashlan can cast Moonbeam with this trait, requiring no material components. Wisdom is her spellcasting modifier for this spell.

Blood Maledict (2/short rest). Ashlan has the ability to channel a part of her vital essence fuel various hemocraft features.   Brand of Castigation (Recharges on a short or long rest). When Ashlan damages a creature with a weapon for which she has an active crimson rite, she can choose to magically brand that creature. While branded in this way, Ashlan knows the direction to the creature as long as it’s on the same plane as her and each time the branded creature deals damage to her or a creature she can see within 5 feet of her, the creature takes 4 psychic damage. Ashlan's brand lasts until she dismisses it or until she uses this feature to apply a brand to another creature. Her brand can be dispelled with Dispel Magic, and is treated as a 4th-level spell.   Deathless Nature. Ashlan doesn't need to breathe.   Hunter's Bane. Ashlan has advantage on survival checks to track fey, fiends, or undead, as well as on Intelligence checks to recall information about such creatures.   Grim Psychometry. Ashlan has advantage on history checks to recall information about the sinister or tragic history of an object she is touching or her current location.   Sehanine's Votary. Ashlan has advantage on saving throws against being charmed.   Spider Climb. Ashlan can move up, down, and across vertical surfaces and upside down along ceilings, while leaving her hands free.


Multiattack. Ashlan makes two melee attacks.   Mystic Frenzy. If Ashalan uses her action to cast a cantrip, she can make a weapon attack as a bonus action.   Empowered Bite (4/Day). When Ashlan hits a non-undead, non-construct creature with a Vampiric Bite attack, she can empower herself in one of the following ways:

  • She regains hit points equal to the piercing damage dealt by the bite.
  • She gains a bonus to the next ability check or attack roll you make; the bonus equals the piercing damage dealt by the bite.
Glaive +1 (Silvered). Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 1D10+5 slashing damage. When Ashlan rolls a 1 or 2 on a damage die for this attack, she can reroll the die. She must use the new roll.   Vampiric Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 1D4+3 piercing damage. Additionally, while Ashlan is missing half or more of her hit points, she has advantage on attack rolls made with this bite.     BONUS ACTION   Celestial Rite Focus. Ashlan expends one use of her Blood Maledict feature to choose one creature she can see within 60 feet of her. That creature regains 1D6+4 hit points.   Crimson Rite. Ashlan takes 1D6 necrotic damage to invoke a rite of hemocraft on a weapon she is holding. This damage can't be reduced in any way. This rite lasts until she finishes a short or long rest. While invoked, attacks made with the chosen weapon are magical, and deal an additional 1D6 fire or cold damage (Ashlan's choice).


Blood Curse of the Eyeless. When a creature Ashlan can see within 30 feet of her makes an attack, she can use her reaction to roll 1D6 and subtract the number rolled from the creature’s attack roll. The creature is immune to this curse if it is immune to the blinded condition. Ashlan can choose to take 1D6 necrotic damage to curse to all the creature’s attack rolls until the end of the creature’s turn. She rolls separately for each affected attack. This damage can't be reduced in any way.   Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet. When a creature Ashlan can see within 30 feet of her drops to 0 hit points, she can use her reaction to cause that creature to make one weapon attack against a target of her choice within its range. Ashlan can choose to take 1D6 necrotic damage to cause the cursed creature to move up to half its speed before the attack, as well as granting a 1D6 bonus to the attack roll. This damage can't be reduced in any way.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In her early years, Ashlan was an up-and-coming member of The Steel Brotherhood, a soldier turned sell sword and bounty hunter who enjoyed the thrill of the hunt more than anything else. The opportunity to be part of The Crimson Consortium's first batch of volunteers to undergo their newly formulated blood ritual came and, after watching another of her colleagues in the brotherhood be killed by it, she chose to attempt as well, to prove she was better than them. She succeeded, and became the consortium's first blood hunter, but at the cost of a vampiric-like hunger to consume the blood of her prey. From that day, she abandoned The Steel Brotherhood and continued to field-test the consortium's blood magic. These days, she is known for her is cold and calculating nature. Her work is her life, driven by her curse and resolve in equal measures, as she currently aims to rid The Shawcross Province of its werewolf infestation, so much as to even be bestowed certain blessings by The Moonweaver to help achieve this.

Gender Identity

Female (she/her)
Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Blood Hunter - The Crimson Consortium
Year of Birth
467 33 Years old
Sehanine, the Moonweaver
Aligned Organization

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