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30% Human, 20% Halfling, 15% Half-Elf, 15% Genasi (70% Water, 30% Earth), 5% Half-Orc, 5% Dragonborn, 10% Other (Including: Dwarf, Tiefling, Aasimar, Bugbear, Gnome, Goliath, Goblin, Hobgoblin, Orc, Kenku, Kolbold, Changeling, Minotaur and Shifter).


Shawcross is governed by a militocracy, which has been in power since the events of The Confleunce. Its current head is a veteran soldier named General Aldren Stone, who rules the province under its martial law with the support of his majors and The Crimson Consortium, all the while following the tenets of Erathis, the Lawbearer. The local martial forces, along with the consortium, gain funding through tax collection and a percentage of the donations given at Edict House. This funding allows for General Stone to maintain the largest military forces in Concordia.


The Walls. Shawcross is surrounded by a 50ft. tall, stone wall, supplemented with numerous towers. Each tower is equipped with either a large ballista or catapult as part of the city's siege defense initiative. In addition to the outer wall, a secondary inner wall exists, housing Fort Eska and the homes of high-ranking, military officials. The towers on the inner wall are solely equipped with ballistae.   The Shawcross Military. Shawcross boasts a force of approximately 3,000 soldiers, which act as the city guard. In addition to these, a further 2,000 soldiers are employed as reserves should the need for more troops be necessary. These soldiers are commanded by a handful of lieutenants and captains. Of the total 5,000 soldiers, approximately 10% of them have been augmented by The Crimson Consortium's arcane rites, forming a faction known as 'The Gore Guard'. These are Shawcross' most elite soldiers and are led by Lieutenant Shayna Wright.   Magical Defenses. Thanks to the influence of the powerful arcane and divine magic users in the city, Shawcross also contains other magical defenses:
  • The Adjudicators. The church of The Lawbearer has access to a number of huge, stone golems which are kept under the control of Archbishop Raylen Creed. They are kept at Edict House and deployed during times of civil unrest or when the city is attacked, though very few civilians are aware of their existence thanks to how infrequently they have been used.


The Alabaster Carriage Company. A wainwright located on the eastern strip, famously popular with merchants travelling through the city who require work of their caravans or wagons. Its owner, the earth genasi Alabaster (or Ally), also buys and sells travelling equipment and horses to any one in need.   The Alu’Dala Shipbuilding Company. A long-established shipwright, dating back to The Confluence, located near the city's north-western gate and Mariport. The company was originally founded by elvish sailors ('Alu’Dala' translating to 'water battle') and famously created a ship named 'Marid's Menace' which saw combat during The Confluence. These days, the company is owned by a half-elf named Adran Hanali, who (alongside his team of carpenters) builds, repairs and augments a wide variety of vessels used to travel across Lake Marimer.   The Hearth and Road. An inn located in the north of the city, popular with travelling merchants from northern territories, including Norford and Dunmer. Its owner, the halfling Belamin Stoutheart, is also a famous retired cartographer and has many copies of his maps for sale. A number of these can be see hung on display inside.   The Reaver's Respite. A tavern, located on the eastern side of the city, popular with sailors and local tradesmen. It is owned by the water genasi Murk, famously known for being an ex-pirate who was pardoned by the local government, who has decorated the interior with various trinkets and treasures he acquired during his previous life.   The Sated Swordsman. An inn located in the south of the city, owned and run by a retired adventurer, the once-human-now-dragonborn Gregor Frostvale. It is known for being popular with merchants from southern territories including Newport and Easthaven as well as being the home of a famous, underground fight club within the city named 'The Underbrawl', which Gregor is the current champion of.   Unity Plaza. A vast, bustling marketplace located in the north-east of the city. Various areas including space for temporary and fixed stalls are setup for all merchants travelling through the city to sell their wears alongside local craftsmen. The day-to-day running of the plaza is run by Captain Malachite, who is in charge of scheduling merchants and their stalls, collecting payment for rented spaces, and security. The merchants who frequent the plaza include:
  • Fizzle and Flawless. A male fire genasi and female tiefling couple from Auchendow who deal in obsidian products.
  • Vistra Goblinbane. A female, dwarven merchant from Dunmer who buys and sells mithril products.
  • Dimble Bafflestone. A male, gnomish artificer from The Karstmore who sells experimental explosives made from black powder. Dimble also has a tube of Universal Solvent he is looking to sell for 5,000GP, which he has left over from some experiments with Sovereign Glue. 
  • Andry Stonebridge. A female, halfling merchant and prodigy within The Curators of Corellon from Easthaven who deals in magical jewellery and gemstones.
  • Naeris Horineth. A non-binary, half-elven textile merchant from Wesdale who sells magical clothing.
  • Zodrig. A male goblin alchemist from Norford who buys and sells potions.
  • Turnuroth Gargax. A local, male, black dragonborn and follower of Moradin, the Allhammer who produces magical weapons and armour.
  • Oolah Softpeak. A female, half-orc musician from Stanrigg and member of The Scarlet Bards who sells magical instruments.

Guilds and Factions

The Crimson Consortium. The Consortium was founded within the city and its main headquarters, Nightwing Manor, is located in the south-east of the city. Here, its hemocrafters experiment with controversial magic to help protect the city from the monster which have plagued its history. Additonally, the manor is the home of the consortium's chapter of blood hunters, and contains their primary training ground and laboratory where they can one their skills.   The Curators of Corellon. Due to the multitude of craftsmen who come through the city, it is unsurprising the the curators have a large influence at Unity Plaza. Typically this manifests as a pseudo 'badge-of-honour', with merchants counted among the guild able to charge a premium for their services, whilst offering discounts to fellow associates. Members also have access to The Maker's Forum, where they can meet each other, exchange ideas and display their work under the watch of its caretaker, the dwarf Jensora Runebeard.   The Scarlet Bards. Shawcross is not only popular with travelling merchants, it is also known for having many talents from the musician's guild come through on their way to their next venue or in search of inspiration for their next masterpiece. The Scarlet Bards also keep a close eye on the poorest areas of the city to insure citizens do not suffer a similar fate to the founding members of the guild back in Stanrigg   The Silver Hand. The continent's most prolific thieves' guild has a significant presence in the city. Members of The Silver Hand, under leadership of the tiefling Profit, run a black market within some of the most secluded parts of Unity Plaza. Goods and services available within the black market include illicit drugs, poisons, shadowsilk, and the offloading of stolen items. They also run a smuggling ring within Mariport, which distributes valuables across Lake Marimer.   The Steel Brotherhood. The brotherhood's headquarters, named The Crow's Nest, is located within the city harbour. Many of the members based here are hired as protection on merchant vessels, however they do respond to other, more typical jobs as well. Many of the more esteemed members here are rumoured to be retired pirates, though no proof of any affiliations has every been discovered.


Shawcross has been a significant city from the earliest history of Concordia. Founded during the Age of Ascension, the city stood unabated for hundred of years until the events of The Confluence. During this time, forces from the elemental plane of water flooded the nearby rivers and lakes, creating Lake Marimer as it is known today and assaulted the city from its depths. The city's original elvish officials invoked martial law and while this decision was not popular at the time, it is argued to be the main reason Shawcross was able to survive the war.   In the centuries that have followed, martial law has remained as other threats to the city have emerged. From roaming pirate gangs on the neighbouring waters, to monsterous creatures from forest on its opposite boarder, the military of Shawcross has kept its people safe, allowing the city to become a bastion for trade and diversity.   In recent years though, with the expanding population of the city alongisde its popularity with merchant families, Shawcross has begun to develop a housing crisis, leading to the expansion of city outside of its protective walls, forming places like Southdock and The Skids, and while those with secure housing and good jobs within the city continue to thrive, there continues to be a growing disparity between the rich and the poor.

Points of interest

Edict House. A large temple dedicated to Erathis, the Lawbearer, located in the south-west of the city. It is a vast, open hall with space for thousands to congregate, making it the most popular place of worship within the city walls, and is led by the church of Erathis' highest-ranking official, Archbishop Raylen Creed, and the place local meetings between military leaders and civilians are held.   Fort Eska. A fortress located at the center of the city, within its inner wall, named for its original elven inhabitants ('Eska' translating to 'Fortress'). It is the home of General Stone and contains the city barracks, prison, meeting chambers for military personnel and spaces for noble visitors to stay. It is protects by a moat and drawbridge and its towers and ramparts are manned at all hours of the day to insure the highest level of security.   Mariport. The city's main harbour, located in the north-western of the city. It is frequented predominantly by merchant vessels from other lake-bordering cities, including Dunmer, Astlough and Polcaster. The harbour houses numerous jetties for docking ships of various sizes, with many of them within reach of one of the large cranes which can be used to add or remove cargo to vessels. Multiple storage facilities exist within the grounds of the harbour, particularly to the south, but its most notable landmark is a stone monument, which rests at its center, close to the gate. The monument is a dedicate to the soldiers who died protecting the city during The Confluence.   The Mother's Garden. A temple garden dedicated to Melora, the Wildmother, located in the south-east of the city. The acolytes of the temple tend to six wildflower gardens which perimeter the main worship space. At the back of the temple is a small chapel, which can be used in bad weather. It is frequented mostly by people from The Skids, looking to gain her protection from the monsters of the Forest which endanger its residents. An Autumnreaver, named Juliana Raethran, is the bishop of the temple and lives within the chapel at its rear.   Shrine of the Steeled Sailor. A temple dedicated to Kord, the Stormlord, located in the north-west of the city, close to Mariport. While smaller than Edict House, it is still a large and popular place of worship, visited often by merchants and sailors who pray for fair weather when travelling across Lake Marimer. It is also frequented by those in society who do not subscribe to The Lawbearer's tenets. The temple is headed by the half-orc bishop Grumbar Cross, who was once a member of The Steel Brotherhood and a famous mercenary from the city.   The Skids. A shanty town located outside of the city's south-eastern gate. It is comprised of thousands of tents, housing numerous races. It formed in recent decades due to the city's problems with over population and has become its own community. As it grew in size, walls were erected to help protect those who live there from the monsters who live in The Skyshroud Forest. Given its removal from the main city, it is known for being quite lawless and largely ignored by citizens within the walls.   Southdock. A small, hamlet-sized fishing quarters located on the Shawcross Peninsular, outside the western wall. It is the only dock on the River Lupus connected to the city and is known for being the most peaceful area of the city. Those who live there are mostly the families of those who fish and trade on the river.   The Strips. The series of wide roads which cut and intersect through the city, leading between the city's outer gates and Unity Plaza. These streets are typically very busy with trade caravans and pedestrians, making it dangerous to stand still for any long periods of time. Locations on the edges of these roads are described using cardinal directions (for example, 'just past the southern strip').


Shawcross is arguably Concordia's most successful and vibrant trade hub, thanks to its location at the crossroads of numerous provinces. As such, merchants from all across the continent make journeys to the city looking to trade their wares, while citizens from equally far distances visit in search of unique or rare items.   Additionally, Shawcross' position as the largest dock on the east side of Lake Marimer brings in countless non-merchant ships, allowing a fast means of mass transportation between the east and central portions of the continent.   Finally, the city to popular with adventurers and mercenaries, searching for unusual creatures or dangerous monsters, thanks to its proximity to Lake Marimer, The Ersatz Mountains and The Skyshroud Forest.


Shawcross is located on the eastern bank of Lake Marimer and the northern bank of the River Lupus. As a result, the peninsular which extends between these two bodies of water is only accessible from the city. It boarders the south-western edge of The Skyshroud Forest and the north-western edge of The Ersatz Mountains. These geographic features allow only a small number of safe routes to and from the city, cementing Shawcross' position as a nexus between numerous provinces.


  • Shawcross

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