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Concordia is an island nation located in the northern hemisphere of the world of Albion. It is a land of diverse people and landscapes, but also of turbulent history and uncertain future. The country became isolated from the rest of the world at the end of The Age of Ascension when it was attacked by forces from the elemental planes, causing other nations to excommunicate themselves over fears of what creatures may now call the land home.   These days, Concordia is considered both an independent country as well as its own continent and, contrary to popular belief, its people continue to thrive as the it continues to rebuild, with the goal of one day reconnecting with the rest of the world.  


The Founding of Concordia

The country of Concordia is known to have been formed during The Age of Ascension.  

The Confluence

As the Age of Ascension came to a close, an event occurred which fundamentally changed the island nation. An unknown, powerful being, in the midst of their experiments manipulating the magical weave of the world, caused The Inner Planes to ‘bleed’ into the continent. At first, the effects of this where relatively minor, the heatwaves, small earthquakes, high-speed winds and floods sweeping across the land were originally considered nothing more than an inconvenience. However, they soon escalated into more deadly events.   Concordia’s ruler of the time, High King Edgar Beaumont, saw these natural disasters as omens of more troubling things to come and it wasn’t long after this when the first of The Great Crossings from the elemental planes occurred. Denizens of the planes began appearing across the continent and the High King saw this as an assault on his country and ordered the extermination of these creatures. This was his greatest mistake. Because of these actions, the genie rulers of each of The Inner Planes declared war on Concordia and began sending creatures and elementals to conquer its lands.   Over the course of the next year, with five nations now vying for control, the geography of the land completely changed. Some of the most dramatic effects The Second Great Crossing had on the country included: creatures from The Plane of Water swimming up the northern rivers and flooding the plains, creating what is known now as Lake Marimer; earthen elementals erupting from the ground and forming vast mountain ranges, which were later named The Ersatz Mountains and The Cloudspires; the Heartland Forest being assaulted by elementals from The Plane of Fire and being completely burnt down; air elementals taking up residence in the south of the continent, causing hurricane-like winds to blow across the land, which in turned shaped region now named The Menagerie Hills; the lands to the south of this region additionally being left completely barren after clashes between these creature and fire elementals, causing wildfires to rip across the once-lush countryside; and finally the country’s south-western peninsula becoming a hellscape, thanks to the creatures from The Earth and Fire Planes which fought there causing volcanos to erupt from the earth and large, unnatural mountain to form.   As the war progressed, the leading genies from each plane travelled to the Concordia in order to further establish their hold on the land. They took control of various cities which had fallen and imposed their rule onto its remaining people. To avoid this, many citizens fled their homes for the safety of the capital city of Easthaven. The city was an impregnable fortress and had survived numerous assaults from each of the elemental planes up till this time. This forced the genie leaders to enact The Third Great Crossing, summoning to their sides the most powerful creates from their respective homes, the Elder Elementals.   The arrival of the Elder Elementals quickly turned the tide of the war against the people of Concordia as they swept across the country and killed thousands. The most notable of these attacks was when The Great Leviathan of The Plane of Water flooded the strait which ran through the country, obliterating the city of Astbrough in the process, before attacking the port of Easthaven. The other three Elder Elementals took this as their opportunity and all four elemental planes descended onto the city at the same time. It was during these seemly final moments for the city when a mysterious event occurred. An unknown force banished the majority of the planar invaders back to their respective homes and severed most of the connections made between them and Concordia during the war, saving the continent from its imminent demise.  

The Era of Restoration

The end of The Confluence marked the being of Concordia’s Era of Restoration. Over 90% of the country’s population have been killed during the fighting, with some races being pushed to the brink of extinction in the country. The most-affected people were the elves, who, in the wake of The Confluence, declared they were to leave the country. They retreated to their ancestral homes in The Elderwood, where they announced they would be isolating themselves until their people had managed to successfully repopulate and recover everything they had lost during this time.   As a results of the devastation on Concordia’s lands and people, the power structure of the country had to be completely overhauled. The Beaumont family abdicated the throne in the wake of the mistakes made by High King Edgar at the beginning of the war, being succeeded by the noble Winstrong family, who turned the government from the feudal system into a confederacy, with each of Concordia’s provinces becoming responsible for its own government, whilst still being answerable to the capital and the High King. This empowered each province to enact policies tailored to the restoration of that potion of the country with the primary goal of each government to rebuild their lands put in place legislation and defenses which would stop an event like The Confluence happening again.   The High King’s eventual goal is to reconnect with the outside world. Contact with other nations had ceased due to the conflict and the fear from outside Concordia that it could spread to other continents. It is theorised that the rest of the world believes Concordia to be a land of elemental chaos, completely unsavable, and have avoided it as a result. The Winstrong family wish to show that Concorida is in fact a proud and strong nation ready to be part of the global stage once again, but only when the country is ready.  

Demography and Population


  • Common Races. Dragonborn, Dwarf, Genasi, Gnome, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Halfling, Human, Tiefling.
  • Uncommon Races. Aasimar, Bugbear, Goliath, Goblin, Hobgoblin, Orc.
  • Rare Races. Centaur, Aarakocra, Firbolg, Kenku, Kolbold, Owlin, Tortle.
  • Very Rare Races. Changeling, Elf, Fairy, Grung, Herengon, Leonin, Lizardfolk, Minotaur, Satyr, Shifter, Tabaxi, Triton, Yuan-Ti Pureblood.


To be confirmed.  

The Concordian Calendar

A Concordian year lasts 360 days over the course of 12 months. Each day is 24 hours in length, with 10 days making one week.   The days of the week are named after ten of The Creator Gods. The Raven Queen, the Matron of Ravens was excluded at the behest of her followers, who proclaimed (given her rulership over the domain of fate) she did not wish to be bound to a fixed point in Concordia's perception of time.   The names of the 10 days of the week (in order) are:
  • Avandies (Named for Avandra, the Changebringer)
  • Bahdies (Named for Bahamut, The Platinum Dragon)
  • Coreldies (Named for Corellon, the Arch Heart)
  • Eradies (Named for Erathis, the Lawbearer)
  • Iodies (Named for Ioun, the Knowing Mistress)
  • Kordies (Named for Kord, the Stormlord)
  • Meldies (Named for Melora, the Wildmother)
  • Mordies (Named for Moradin, the Allhammer)
  • Peldies (Named for Pelor, the Dawnfather)
  • Sehdies (Named for Sehanine, the Moonweaver)
The months of the year are named after various terrestrial events which happen in Concordia. These months are broken down into 4 seasons, which mark particular weather patterns and daylight hours based on Albion's position in relation to its sun.   The names of the 12 months of the year (in order) are:
  • Lightbreak (Spring)
  • Greendew (Spring)
  • Newbirth (Spring)
  • Seedbloom (Summer)
  • High Sun (Summer)
  • First Harvest (Summer)
  • Frondfall (Autumn)
  • Last Harvest (Autumn)
  • Avenflight (Autumn)
  • Frostform (Winter)
  • High Moon (Winter)
  • Icethaw (Winter)

Annual Holidays

Seasons' Renewal

Avandies 1st Lightbreak
Seasons' Renewal marks the beginning of the year and a celebration to Avandra, the Changebringer, as the past gives way to the future. It is one of the largest celebrations of the year, with cities putting together large light displays to commemorate the event alongside plenty of food and drink. Celebrations start on the last night of Icethaw, with its height at midnight of 1st Lightbreak. In smaller communities, people typically band together and stay up till midnight before praying to Avandra for good fortune in the new year.  

The Artisan Gala

Coreldies 13th Greendew
This day is a celebration of magic and art across Concordia. Followers of Corellon, the Arch Heart (many of which are artists and mages) as well as members of The Curators, who are heavily tied to the faith, congregate to display works of art and demonstrate new, magical talents. In urban settings, large halls are opened to the public by members of the church of the Arch Heart or The Curators where people can come to show what they have worked on, and possibly sell their work and services. The largest of these can be found in Easthaven, at The Curator's headquarters, and Wesdale, at Faerndaar, Phrontistry of Arcana.  

Nature's Splendour

Meldies 27th Newbirth
As spring draws to a close, Concordia's wilderness begins to go through a metamorphosis. The warmer weather and recent rains provide the perfect conditions for animals to birth their young, and the various species of flora begin to blossom, starting a period of a few weeks when the concordian countryside displays a sea of colour. This day celebrates this turning point and is dedicated to Melora, the Wildmother. Celebrations on this day involve travelling to areas of natural beauty (preferably a place that person has not visited before), but those who cannot will typically plant a tree in observance of the holiday.  

High Crown

Eradies 14th Seedbloom
This holiday, held in the name of Erathis, the Lawbearer, celebrates the inauguration the first High King after the end of The Confluence and the abdication of the Beaumont family, the original ruling family of Concordia. Each year on this day, a jubilee is held to honour the current High King of Concordia. Typically, this involves street parties across the continent, however Easthaven's streets are completely transformed to celebrate the monarchy. The High King also makes an address during this time, which is magically broadcast to other settlements, and a large festival is held in the capital for the continent's most patriotic city.  

The Solar Festival

Peldies 19th High Sun
Set on the longest day of the year, this celebration is dedicated to Pelor, the Dawnfather and the coming harvest season. Rural communities come together to support each other's needs during this time and urban communities celebrate the beautiful weather as well as the coming bounty. This typically involves feasting and drinking alongside street festivals and partying. Aside from Seasons' Renewal, The Solar Festival is the most celebrated holiday in Concordia and whole communities will shut down for the whole day to take part in it.  

The Stormbrawl

Kordies 6th First Harvest
A famous fighting competition held and orgainised in honour of Kord, the Stormlord. The church invites people from all the major temples, organisations and occasionally even famous adventurers to compete in a single-elimination tournament until a winner is declared. This individual earns the title of 'Thunderfist', which they hold for a year until the next competition, when they return as the final combatant for the next finalist to defeat, thereby taking the title. The tournament is held at The Storm Shrine in Newport, the largest temple to Kord in Concordia, however smaller versions of this tournament are occasionally held at other locations, purely to promote the spirit of competition.  

Dealer's Day

Avandies 1st Frondfall
Following the end of First Harvest, this marks the beginning of Concordia's business year due to it being a time when many merchants across have access to fresh produce and materials. Originally to celebrate this, a number of merchant guilds banded together and announced this to be a day when they would provide discounts on their wares (more so than they usually would). This soon caught on across the continent and now merchants and traders all use this day as an opportunity to draw in new business, with discounts across many of their wares, all the while praying to Avandra, the Changebringer to bring them good fortune in the year to come.  


Bahdies 2nd Last Harvest
A day set up to commemorate Concordia's military forces which were lost during The Confluence. In the wake of the war with the four elemental planes, each soldier who was lost was buried with the highest honours able to be bestowed under Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon. Cities across the continent each hold a public remembrance ceremony in their streets which involve military processions, the laying of symbolic shields on erected monuments and a four minute period of silence in respect of the people who were lost (one for each of the elemental planes). In recent years, this ceremony has expanded to encompass those lost in other conflicts since The Confluence.  


Sehdies 30th Avenflight
A day to celebrate the end of autumn and romance. The holiday was founded by worshipers of Sehanine, the Moonweaver who, on the last day of autumn, would propose to their potential spouse in the hopes of coming to live together over the colder, winter months. These days, it has evolved to become a celebration of love and romance, and an opportunity for people to declare these feelings to each other in the hopes of beginning new relationships.  

Maker's Day

Mordies 28th Frostform
A holiday started by dwarven artisans who follow Moradin, the Allhammer, which quickly became adopted across all of Concordia, Maker's Day is an event where people create gifts for their friends and families and give them to each other. These gifts vary wildly in the different regions of Concordia, but can range from personalised wooden figurines and bespoke clothing to magic items. The purpose of the event is to show love and loyalty to the gift's receiver and develop and strong sense of community, in keeping with the tenets of The Allhammer.  

The Lunar Festival

Sehdies 20th High Moon
The longest night of the year and a day dedicated to Sehanine, the Moonweaver. People all over Concordia come together for a night-long celebration of dancing and music. It is also tradition during this time to try and prank close friends and family, with trickery and illusions akin to the Moonweaver's domain. This is kept light-hearted though and is a meaning of connecting people on this night. It is said those who make it through to the dawn of the next day whilst avoiding the tricks of their friends and family receive Sehanine's blessing for the year.  

The Week of Fate

Avandies 21st - Sehdies 30th Icethaw
The last week of the year is dedicated to The Raven Queen and her dominion over people's destinies. Families come together to recall strange events, both positive and negative, which occurred throughout the year and how they led individuals to where they are today. It is a time of remembrance and an opportunity to reflect on past actions in light of the new year starting. Some people also look to divine what the new year might have in store for them and set goals for what they want to achieve, praying to The Matron of Ravens for the gods to include those goals in their plans for them.  

Military Structure

Being an isolated island nation, Concordia has little need for a formal military. Each province is given authority to form their own military force based on their specific needs. Most of the time, this military takes the form of the city guard, however occasionally more specalised roles are developed by a province's leadership.   In order to maintain order between the provinces, Concordia's military structure is formed of five distinct ranks:
  • General. The province's military leader.
  • Major. Numbering only a small handful in each province, these are a military force's most veteran soldiers who take on a more advisory role after decades of service. They mostly act as advisors to a province's captains and as councilors to the general.
  • Captain. Soldiers with many years of service behind them. They manage the larger groups of soldiers and organise the training programs for new soldiers, typically based within a barracks.
  • Lieutenant. Experienced soldiers who lead and manage the deployment of groups of privates.
  • Private. The footmen, sailors and cavalry which make up most of a province's fighting force.
Should the need for a larger military force ever be necessary, the high king has the authority to unite the province's forces under a common banner. They also have the power to conscript citizens, should it be required.  

Religious Structure

Worship of The Creator Gods is common within Concorda and temples to each can member of the pantheon can be found all across the continent. Cities usually have multiple large temples dedicated to the most worshiped deities in their province. Towns and villages will typically only have one smaller church (if any at all) dedicated to the most worshiped deity in that settlement, however worship of the other creator gods is not discouraged.   Worship of The Destroyer Gods is outlawed in most provinces across the continent, with only a small number of controversial exceptions, though other temples dedicated to them have been known to appear despite these laws. These are usually kept well hidden and only known to the cults which use them.   Concordia's religious structure is comprised of five distinct ranks which each lawful religion adheres to to maintain consistency during interfaith events:
  • Archbishop. The figurehead of a religion within Concordia and the most holy member of that faith. They lead the largest temple to their god in Concordia and advise on matters which impact worship across the whole continent.
  • Bishop. The head of a temple, who leads sacred activities within the settlement they are based.
  • Priest. Veteran members of a temple who manage a temples deacons and acolytes. They also serve as council to the bishop or archbishop they serve under and occasionally run services in the bishop/archbishop's absence.
  • Deacon. Members of a temple responsible for the administration of their temple.
  • Acolyte. Initiates to a temple, who are responsible for the day-to-day running of temple activities. This includes tasks like helping worshipers who visit the temple, completing tasks required by the bishop, priests or deacons, and general upkeep of the temple.


  • The Continent of Concordia

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