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The Virescent Canopy


The Virescent Canopy is a large, temperate jungle located in the south-west of Concordia. It is the largest forested area on the continent, rivalled only by The Heartland Forest, and is one of the most biodiverse areas too. It is currently ruled by the green dragon, Caesindaar, who claims ownership on all material possessions and people in the jungle.   Whilst most of the region is covered by lush, dense foliage, there are a number of territories and notable locations:   The Ptera Hills: The most north-western portion of the jungle, this area is dominated by a mountain range which follows the curves of the large River Saltu. These peaks, along with the jungle floor below them, are home to some of the most dangerous beasts in the region, dinosaurs. Very few people and other creatures venture here because if this, however a large set of ruins north of the mountains suggests that a civilisation once called the area home.   The Scaled Peaks: Located in the south-west of the region, The Scaled Peaks is an area famous for it's large yuan-ti and reptile community. The yuan-ti control the area, as well as much of the surrounding jungle. Many small rivers and tributaries flow out of the north-west of these mountains and are home to a variety of crocodile and other assorted amphibians. Other reptiles, such as kolbolds and lizardfolk, call the area home, but in much smaller numbers and are usually fond in the service of the yuan-ti.   The Great Marsh: As you continue northwards, the jungle elevation begins to descend towards sea level and eventually becomes boggy. This is most prevalent just past Lake Umida, where a large marshland extends towards the sea. Here, the usually dense jungle become sparse and different varieties of flora grow out of the mire. Many amphibious creatures call the marsh home, but the most numerous are the bullywugs. These creatures control the area between The Ptera Hills and the river to the east.   The Dead Wood: A more recent feature to the jungle, The Dead Wood was only recently discovered by the natives of the region. Where the lush foliage once grew now only a barren waste can be found. The area is secretly home to the Ashgrove Coven, however they are known to The River Tribe and their chief.   The Ancient Temple: Located just north of The Scaled Peaks, this place of worship is the largest structure in the jungle. Similar to the ruins found in The Ptera Hills, it has aged poorly and no known history for it's creators exists. The building towers above most of the canopy and can be seen from the surrounding mountains easily.   Caesindaar's Lair: At the heart of the jungle are the mountains the dragon Caesindaar calls home. The peaks climb thousands of feet into the sky, dwarfing everything in the region, save for The Morndin Ridge to the north-east. All inhabitants of the jungle know to avoid the area at all costs. None who have ventures here have returned.

Fauna & Flora

Aside from the aforementioned creatures who call the jungle their home, one of the most famous groups living here are the firbolgs. The firbolgs act as guardians of the jungle, fostering balance and peace between all wildlife and creatures.   There are currently three tribes of firbolgs: The Lake Tribe, who are located to the south-west of Lake Umida; The River Tribe, who can be found in the eastern portion of the jungle, hear the creeks and tributaries flowing from The Morndin Ridge; and The Marsh Tribe, who are the most northern, settling across the way from The Great Marsh.   The three tribes will meet on occasion, usually meeting by boat on Lake Umida, to discuss matter affecting the whole region.   Outside of the firbolgs, other races including: tortles, goblinoids and the occasional goliath from The Morndin Ridge can be found in various corners on the jungle.


The Virescent Canopy is special part of the Concordia, Unlike the rest of the continent, the jungle was fairly untouched during the events of The Confluence. It has always been a wild place which functions as it's own ecosystem and has not yet been tainted by the introduction of modern society.   It is not clear how long ago, but in recent history, the dragon Caesindaar came to the jungle from a faraway land and made the central mountain range his home. Since then, he has gone on to become the self-proclaimed, tyrannical leader of the region, spreading fear indiscriminately while slowly building his hoard from what he and his follower can claim from the inhabitants.


Travel to the Virescent Canopy is not common, however those wishing to do so can usually be found setting off from Mossgate. The town was built with the purpose of being a base camp for archaeologists, adventurers and researchers alike, with some regular visitors calling the place their home.

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