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Kord, the Stormlord

God of Strength and Storms


Kord is the god of storms and the lord of battle. He revels in strength and battlefield prowess rewarding those who fight well in his name. He is a mercurial god, unbridled and wild, and many fighters and athletes revering him. His patronage over thunder and lightning grant him the power to summon storms over land and water, causing many who travel the seas to both fear and respect him. Those hoping for better weather often try to appease him with prayers and spirited toasts.   Following his tenets, Kord wants his followers to be strong and capable, but not to use that strength for malicious intent. How they use this strength is up to the individual, but he would no see it used unnecessarily. He also expects his followers to be brave and to never back down from a conflict, taking these opportunities as a chance for glory and pride.  

Tenets of The Stormlord

  • Be strong, but do not use your strength for wanton destruction.
  • Be brave and scorn cowardice in any form.
  • Prove your might in battle to win glory and renown.

Piety Abilities

Kord's Devotee

Piety 3+ Kord trait
You gain the ability to cast Thunderous Smite with this trait. Kord's blessing manifests as a low, thunderous rumble from your weapon which grows louder as it is swung. When you cast this spell this way, it does not require your concentration. You may cast this spell in this way a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting modifier for this spell.  

Kord's Votary

Piety 10+ Kord trait
You gain the ability to cast Warding Wind with this trait. Once you cast this spell in this way, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting modifier for this spell. In addition, you have advantage on saving throws against bring frightened.  

Kord's Disciple

Piety 25+ Kord trait
The energy of the storm fills your being, granting you advantage on initiative rolls.  

Champion of The Stormlord

Piety 50+ Kord trait
You can increase your Strength or Constitution score by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2.  


The Stormbrawl

Kordies 6th First Harvest
A famous fighting competition held and orgainised in honour of Kord, the Stormlord. The church invites people from all the major temples, organisations and occasionally even famous adventurers to compete in a single-elimination tournament until a winner is declared. This individual earns the title of 'Thunderfist', which they hold for a year until the next competition, when they return as the final combatant for the next finalist to defeat, thereby taking the title. The tournament is held at The Storm Shrine in Newport, the largest temple to Kord in Concordia, however smaller versions of this tournament are occasionally held at other locations, purely to promote the spirit of competition.  


The Prime Millenia

Kord influence on the world began in its earliest days. Alongside Pelor, he crafted the sky and filled it with light. From this he took control of the water and the air, dictating its movements and establishing wind currents and a water cycle. These caused the first of Kord's great storms, which was witnessed by Albion's earliest people and solidified his name with them as a being of great strength to be respected and feared.  

The Age of Ascension

To Be Confirmed   Kord was one of the most active creator gods during The Aspect Wars, with may of the destroyer coming into contact with the forces of The Stormlord.  

The Post-Aspect Era (The Era of Restoration)

In more recent history, Kord stance in the world has proven to be as unbudging as it always has been. His desires remain the same for his followers, to become strong, capable individual and to use that strength to further their goals. Of all the creator gods, he more than any seeks potential champions, who can carry his name into battle against great forces or deadly creatures, furthering his reputation as one of the strongest beings in existence, both in the form of the individual and as a merciless force of nature in the form of the roiling storm.  


Places of Worship

  • The Church of the Mere. A church dedicated to The Stormlord located in Linstead.
  • The Shrine of the Steeled Sailor. A church dedicated to The Stormlord located in Shawcross.
  • The Storm Shine. The largest church to The Stormlord in Concordia located in Newport.
  • The Stormward Temple. A temple dedicated to The Stormlord located in Caer Carden.
  • Oceanbreeze Sanctum. A church dedicated to both The Stormlord and The Wildmother located in Wesdale.
  • The Wayfinder's Sanctuary. A communal religious space in Mossgate where worship towards The Stormlord can be observed and practiced.

Notable Worshipers

  • Archbishop Ilikan 'Dawncaller' Anakalathai. The highest-ranking member of the church of The Stormlord in Concordia and the bishop of The Storm Shrine in Newport.
  • Bishop Aera. The resident bishop of The Stormlord at The Stormward Temple in Caer Carden.
  • Bishop Eldon Leagallow. The resident bishop of The Stormlord and The Wildmother at Oceanbreeze Sanctum in Wesdale.
  • Bishop Grumbar Cross. The resident bishop of The Stormlord at The Shrine of the Steeled Sailor Sanctum in Shawcross.
  • Fargrim Battlehammer. A famous Paladin of The Stormlord and member of The Steel Brotherhood.
  • Priest Lander Stormshield. The resident priest of Thhe Stormlord at THe Church of the Mere in Linstead.
Divine Classification
Creator God
Chaotic Neutral
Male (he/him)
Divine Domains
Tempest and War

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