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The Stormtamers

The Stormtamers are a famous guild of merchant sailors based out of Caer Carden. They recieve specialist training in both clerical and druidic magic to learn how to manipulate the sea and the weather with the goal of protecting ships out at sea. The guild was formed by the bishop of The Stormlord in Caer Carden, Aera, who founded the guild when he began to work at The Stormward Temple. Since establishing the guild and training the first of its members, The Stormtamers have become famous in the coastal cities of Concorida, with mechant ships able to afford them constantly seeking out their services.   Many who seek to join the guild are sailors already, or followers of Kord looking to put their faith into practice. Whatever the background, those looking to join the guild and subjected to intense training the rigorous trials to prove they deserve to be called a stormtamer. While this can come across as harsh to civilians, the results are a elite group of magic user able to bend the sea and sky to their whims.


Stormtamer. Once the trials have been passed, a guild memeber achieves the namesake rank of stormtamer. With this rank, they are able to take contracts independently and become teachers to the next generation of Cloudchasers. Stormtamers are on occasion recalled back to Caer Carden if required by Bishop Aera, however most have a deep respect for their guild's leader by the time they reach thos position that they accept the summons with no question. Stormtamers have access to the following:
  • Authority. Stormtamers have authority over all cloudchasers assigned to them. They will perform mundane task for them while also aiding in combat.
  • Compensation. Stormtamers are paid by the captains of the ships which they travel with. Contracts define the exact compensation are drawn up before a vessel departs, but on average a stormtamer expects to earn 3GP per day while serving ona ship.
  • Divine Services. While at The Stormward Temple in Caer Carden, stormtamers have access to clerical figures, who can cast spells up to 3rd-level. The stormtamer must cover the cost of any material components.
  • Identification. Upon completing the trials, stormtamers are gifted with a holy symbol of Kord unique to the guild (worth 100GP). It's design is a sword with a lightning-bolt-shaped blade witht eh standard symbol of kord carved into its crossguard. This symbol acts as a stormtamer's identification to those seeking to meet with someone from the guild.
  • Training. When at The Stormward Temple, stormtamers can recieve training to gain proficiency in the following skills and tools: Athletics, Nature, Religion, Survival, Navigator's Tools and Water Vehicles. Training undertaken this way during downtime activities takes half as long to complete.
Cloudchaser. Those who accepted into trainer are referred to as cloudchasers (a name chosen to demonstrate their lack of control over the weather). Cloudchasers often accompany Stormtamers to gain experience and learn from those who have pseed the trials. Their training is overseen by Bishop Aera, who they see most days when not out on the sea with stormtamers. Cloudchasers have access to the following:
  • Compensation. Cloudchasers are paid by the captains of the ships which they travel with. Contracts define the exact compensation are drawn up before a vessel departs, usually between the captain and the stormtamer the cloudchaser is travelling with, but on average a stormtamer expects to earn 1GP per day while serving on a ship.
  • Divine Services. While at The Stormward Temple in Caer Carden, cloudchasers have access to clerical figures, who can cast spells up to 2nd-level. The cloudchaser must cover the cost of any material components.


Admission. Civilians looking to become stormtamers must first be accepted into the guild as cloudchasers. To achieve this, they must speak with Bishop Aera, who will then present the individual with a test to prove the strength and resolve. This test can be to sail in an upcoming storm, demonstrate an affinity for magic which control water and wind, or even a fight against an existing stormtamer.   Cloudchaser Training. Cloudchasers are trained through a combination of directed lessons and excursions with stormtamers. While at The Stormward Temple, Bishop Aera and his priests instruct cloudchasers in how to predict weather and tidal patterns and understand how ships reacts during turbulent contions at sea. They also teach cloudchasers the spells necessary to effectively control the elements while out on the water. In additon to this, cloudchasers are instructed to shadow existing stormtamers on their journeys and to learn from them in the field. A cloudchaser is expected to travel with multiple stormtamers suring their training.   The Trials. Once a cloudchaser is deemed ready, the ungo an examination known as 'the trials' to prove they are ready and deserving of the title stormtamer. The trials are a series of three challenges, each designed to test the cloudchaser's abilities in a combination of skills expected from a stormtamer.
  • The Water Trial. This trial consists of the cloudchaser navigating a maze of underwater tunnels, while changing currents in the water attempt to keep them from reaching the exit.
  • The Wind Trial. This trial consists of the cloudchaser having to defeat an air elemental whilst maintaining them balance on a series of swaying platforms.
  • The Storm Trial. This trial consists of a cloudchaser nagivating a ship directly into a significant storm and protecting the ship in the process.
A cloudchaser can attempt the trials in any order and if they are able to complete all three, they earn the title of stormtamer.


The Stormtamers were founded by the bishop of The Stormward Temple, Aera, in the year 491 ER. Aera was inspired to create the guild after experiencing a number of terrible storms while working on a series of merchant ships travelling around Concordia, which killed many sailors.   Originally, Area simply worked as an acolyte at the temple, teaching sailors magic to help divine upcomming storms, but when interest grew he decided he may be able to acieve more. Over the next few years, the guild was established and its memeber were taught more complex magic to command the wind and water. During this time, Aera became the bishop of the temple, and he used his position to better resource the guild. This lead to more realistic training and eventually higher expectations for the cloudchasers looking to progress.   These days, stormtamers can be found in all of Concordi'a port cities, commanding a high price for the services they trained hard to achieve.   

Cloudchaser CR: 3

Medium humanoid, any non-evil alignment
Armor Class: 13 (Studded Leather)
Hit Points: 62 (11D8+11)
Speed: 30 ft , swim: 15 ft


10 +0


12 +1


13 +1


10 +0


14 +2


11 +0

Saving Throws: Strength +2, Constitution +3
Skills: Athletics +2, Nature +2, Survival +4
Damage Resistances: Cold
Senses: Passive Perception 12
Languages: any one language, Common
Challenge Rating: 3
Proficiency Bonus: +2

Spellcasting. The Cloudchaser's spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 12). It can cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

  • At Will: shape water
  • 1/Day each: create or destroy water, fog cloud, gust of wind, skywrite

Sea Legs. The cloudchaser has advantage on ability checks and saving throws to resist being knocked prone.


Multiattack. The cloudchaser makes two attacks with its short sword.   Short Sword. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1D6+2 piercing damage.


Stormtamer CR: 5

Medium humanoid, any non-evil alignment
Armor Class: 14 (Studded Leather)
Hit Points: 92 (14D8+28)
Speed: 30 ft , swim: 30 ft


11 +0


14 +2


15 +2


11 +0


16 +3


13 +1

Saving Throws: Strength +3, Constitution +5
Skills: Athletics +3, Nature +3, Survival +6
Damage Resistances: Cold, Lightning, Thunder
Senses: Passive Perception 13
Languages: any one language, Common
Challenge Rating: 5
Proficiency Bonus: +3

Spellcasting. The Stormtamer's spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 14). It can cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

  • At Will: shape water
  • 3/Day each: create or destroy water, fog cloud, gust of wind, skywrite
  • 2/Day each: control water, control winds
  • 1/Day each: call lightning, tidal wave

Sea Legs. The stormtamer has advantage on ability checks and saving throws to resist being knocked prone.


Multiattack. The Stormtamer makes two attacks with its short sword.   Short Sword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1D6+2 piercing damage.

Founding Date
491 ER
Notable Members

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