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Orc 30%, Hobgoblin 25%, Goblin 20%, Kobolds 15%, Minotaur 5%, Bugbear 5%.   25% of the population are first-generation exiles and bear 'the tazker', the mark of the exile. 75% of the population are second generation or younger and do not generally bear the mark, although some have marked themselves as a show of devotion to the city.


Lokira has no formal government, but is instead ruler over by a single person know as 'the elder'. The elder is responsible for decisions which affect the entire city and is the final arbiter when disputes need to be resolved between any citizens or merchants. They also act as judge, jury and executioner should the need for more formal judicial service become necessary.   When the times comes for a new elder to be chosen, any citizen can put forward the name of another. Those who wish to take up the position then state their case publicly before a vote is made by all citizens to make the final decision.   Lokria's current elder is an orc called Vola, the Wise. She has overseen the city for over 30 years is beloved by her citizens.


The Dock Gate. Lokoia's dock is enclosed by a large, stone wall, which acts as a sea defense for the city. At its center is a single, large archway, designed to allow passage in both directions for all merchant vessels while hindering travel for larger ships, such as large warships and galleys. Those wishing to enter the city from such ships are required to make anchor outside the wall and enter on smaller boats. While the archway does not house any doors or portcullis, a large, weighted net can be deployed to hinder ship travel further. This is done from the buildings on either end of the stone wall, where ropes connected to the net must be cut simultaneously.

Industry & Trade

Lokria's geographic location and unusual history give it an interesting relationship with neighbouring lands. Trade within The Darastrix Dominion is impossible due to the vast desert which isolates is from other settlements. However, its position on the edge of a prominent shipping lane between its neighbouring country Fylkirheim to the west and other countries to the east, combined with its production of the coveted material coruscate, make it the ideal layover for merchants travelling this way. Over the years, Lokria's trade with these passing merchant vessels has increased to the point where it has become a notable port city in its own right, famous for its multiculturalism.


Kas' Workshop. Kas is an exentric kobold artificer, who is famed within in the city for their magical and mechanical experimentations. He is one of very few citizens of Lokria who directly experiemtns with coruscate and its applications. To the merchants and sailors who visit the city though, he is known as the developer of experimental techonologies which can be used aboard ships, and many wealthy captains seek him out to enquire about his work.   The Salted Sands. Lokira's sole inn is located just to the south of its harbour, where most of its arrive from. The romms are nearly always filled with sailors and merchants looking for greater comfort than their ships can provide. While the sands (as it is refered to by the locals) is not the most extravagant establishment, it boasts a beautiful rooftop bar with views which overlook the whole city. This terrace is accessible any day to those who pay a small fee to its owner, Vergor.   The Waterfront Bazaar. Lokria's bustling market is the heart of its trade and commerce. The sprawling bazaar lines a portion of the waterfront, where merchants sell a colorful array of goods from across the desert and the seas. Exotic spices, textiles, gems, and maritime treasures fill the stalls, some from countries including: Fylkirheim, Al-Tashar and Magnerium. The most longstanding business can be found in the bazaars central hall, which grants patrons a restbite from the desert sun.


Lokria is known as the 'City of the Banished'. This name comes from its first settlers, who were citizens of The Darastrix Domion who were exiled and sentenced to walk across The Endless Sands until they died. Instead, these individuals made it to the ocean and began the process of building a new life for themselves far away from the eyes of Queen Ixenvor.   Over the years, many others exiles survived the journey through the desert and took up residence in the growing city. This lead to the beginnings of a thriving community. In recognisiton of theirachievements, the citizens built three towers, known as The Sandstone Spires, to represent the past, present and future of the city. These spires signalled the first sailors to make port in the city and before long Lokrian citizens established its own harbour to better trade with these merchants, further imporving their quaity of life.   These days, the city continues to thrive, both as a beautiful port city and as an protest to the dragon queen who would have seen its citizens die in the desert they now call home.

Points of interest

The Coruscate Mines. The mines are the lifeblood of commerce for many of Lokria's citizens. Within this pair of tunnels are veins of unrefined coruscate which are avaliable to be mined by, processed and sold by Lokrian citizens. The tunnels travel deep into The Wyrmtooth Ridge and are approximately 6 miles long. Non-lokrian citizens are forbidden from entering except under special circumstances with permission from the elder.   The Maritime Guildhall. The hall is dedicated to the navigators, shipbuilders and marine trader which have established businessses within the city. Those looking for work in the shipping industry, or who which to meet others for their craft and skills can explore the halls public forum and utilise its numerous meeting hall to conduct business.   The Oasis Gardens. Despite the arid surroundings, the citizens of Lokria have managed to cultivate a lush garden using innovative irrigation techniques. This pocket of green provides respite from the desert's harshness and add to the city's charm.   The Sandstone Spires. Three tall spires, built from locally-sourced sandstone rise above the buildings to the north of the city. They act as a marker for travelling ships and are adornd with intricate carvings that depict tales Lokria's History. The left spire (representing Lokria's past) depicts scenes of the first settlers journeying across The Endless Sands. The middle spire (representing Lokria's present) shows scenes of the city's founding and the first contact with other nations through trade. The right spire (representing Lokria's future) remains mostly blank, but does display scenes of recent achievements, incuding the discovery of coruscate and the city's first irrogation system.   The Temple of the Tide. A grand temple, located on the east side of the city overlooking the sea. It pays homage to deities associated with water, the sea, and safe voyages. These include: Avandra, the Changebringer, Kord, the Stormlord, Melora, the Wildmother, and most recently Martivir, the Burnished Warden. Sailors and merchants often make offerings here before embarking on their journeys. The temple is overseen by Captain Tolk.   The Whispering Sands Plaza. A central plaza paved where the smooth desert sands have been paved by sandstone slabs. It serves as a gathering place for the city's citizens as well as traveling merchants and sailors. It is a space where musicians, storytellers, and performers entertain and share their talents openly and the mixing of cultures is encouraged.


Lokria's unique location provides its an beautiful, varied landscape. Its southern and eastern edges boarder The Endless Sands, the vast desert which covers much of the north of The Darastrix Dominion. To its west are the foothills of The Wyrmtooth Ridge, the mountain range which divides the dominion with Fylkirheim and provide the city with shelter agaisnt som of the harest of the desert's weather. Its northern boarder rests on the coast of The Shimmerwave Strait, providing the city with the beauty of its sparkling waters.


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