
Hargreave, once the grand capital city of the Lorian, now lies in ruins. The once-great metropolis has been overtaken by nature, its streets and buildings choked with vines and trees. Castle Blackthorn, the mighty fortress that once served as the seat of power for The Lothric Kings, sits in disrepair, its walls crumbling and its towers fallen.   For centuries, Hargreave was the hub of Lothric civilization, a bustling center of trade, culture, and politics. Its streets were lined with grand mansions and stately government buildings, and its markets teemed with merchants and artisans from all corners of the realm. But the city's glory was short-lived, for as the Lothric dynasty declined, so too did the fortunes of Hargreave.   Today, the ruins of Hargreave stand as a testament to the folly of kings and the fragility of power. The city's once-grand boulevards and squares are now overgrown with weeds and brambles, and its once-proud monuments and statues lie broken and forgotten. The ruins of Castle Blackthorn loom over the city like a silent sentinel, a haunting reminder of the realm's former glory.   Despite its state of decay, Hargreave remains a place of great fascination and intrigue for adventurers and scholars alike. The city's ancient walls and crumbling buildings hold countless secrets and treasures, and rumours abound of lost artefacts and forgotten riches hidden amidst the ruins. rumoured   Despite its dangers, however, the allure of Hargreave remains strong. Adventurers and treasure-seekers continue to flock to the ruins in search of riches and glory, while scholars and historians pore over its ancient texts and artefacts in search of clues to Albion's mysterious past.   But for the people of Albion, Hargreave is a painful reminder of a bygone era, a symbol of a time when the realm was ruled by kings and the fate of nations hung in the balance. The nation has neglected the city, viewing it as little more than a relic, and allowing it to fall further into disrepair and decay with each passing year. But for those who seek adventure, danger, and the thrill of the unknown, the ruins of Hargreave remain a tantalizing destination, full of mystery and wonder, waiting to be explored.


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