King Regis Blackthorn

King Regis Euleces Blackthorn (a.k.a. The Father)

King Regis Blackthorn, the revered leader of the First Folk and the first Lothric King, left an indelible mark on the history of Albion. He embarked on an audacious journey, braving the treacherous waters of the Cudbron Ocean, and led his people from the Old World to the unexplored land of Lorian, which would later be known as Albion. King Regis Blackthorn was a visionary ruler, known for his wisdom and strength of character. He united the First Folk, the diverse tribes that had settled in Lorian, and forged a powerful kingdom. His leadership was marked by a deep respect for the land and its inhabitants, fostering harmony and cooperation among the different groups.   One of King Regis Blackthorn's notable achievements was the organization of the Great Hunt. This grand event brought together warriors and hunters from all corners of Lorian, testing their skills and celebrating their shared heritage. The Great Hunt became a symbol of unity and pride for the First Folk, solidifying their allegiance to the Lothric Kings.   In honor of King Regis Blackthorn's contributions, Castle Blackthorn was erected as a majestic fortress. Its architecture reflected the grandeur of the Lothric Kingdom, and within its walls, the Jagged Throne stood as a testament to the power and authority of the Lothric Kings. It was here that King Regis Blackthorn held court, making decisions that shaped the destiny of Lorian.   Despite his revered status and the adoration of his people, King Regis Blackthorn met a tragic end. Betrayed by his own confidant, the Hand of the King, Somnus Mortellian, he fell victim to a treacherous plot. King Regis Blackthorn's life was cut short as Somnus Mortellian usurped the throne, crowning himself as the second Lothric King.   King Regis Blackthorn's legacy lived on in the hearts and minds of the First Folk. His memory was preserved as a symbol of justice, integrity, and the pursuit of a harmonious Lorian. The tale of his rise and fall served as a reminder of the fragile nature of power and the need for vigilance against corruption.
Date of Death
30th Hearthfire 870BA
Circumstances of Death
Usurped by King Somnus The Mystic
Place of Death
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Founded Settlements


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