The Great Hunt

Life, Death


The Great Hunt began as Witchers and Monster Hunters alike joined forces and set out to rid Lorian and Sitara of the monstrous beasts that stalk the lands of Zion

The Great Hunt was an event that took place during the Age of Kings in Lorian, a time when monstrous beasts roamed the land, threatening the safety of the people. It was King Regis Blackthorn, the first Lothric King, who initiated this massive undertaking, with the hope that it would mean greater safety and security for the people of his kingdom. The Great Hunt was an incredibly challenging task, one that required a particular set of skills and abilities that not everyone possessed. The King knew that regular soldiers would not be enough to fight against these beasts, and so he enlisted the help of monster hunters and witchers - those with the experience, knowledge, and tools to take on the monsters that terrorized the kingdom.   These monster hunters and witchers were brave and skilled warriors, often operating alone or in small groups, using a combination of magic, weaponry, and alchemy to take down the monstrous beasts that threatened the people of Lorian. They were often called upon to venture deep into the wilds, following the tracks of their prey, and engaging in dangerous battles that required incredible skill and courage.   The Great Hunt was a prolonged and dangerous event that lasted for many years. Many hunters and witchers lost their lives in the pursuit of these beasts, but the rewards were substantial. The eradication of these creatures meant that the people of Lorian could travel and work without fear, and the land itself became more hospitable.   The King provided these brave warriors with support and resources, such as weapons, armor, and potions. He also granted them access to the kingdom's libraries and resources, allowing them to research their quarry and gain insights into how best to hunt and kill them. In return, the hunters and witchers pledged their loyalty to the King and the people of Lorian.   The Great Hunt was not without its controversies, however. Some of the monsters that were hunted were not inherently evil and were simply misunderstood creatures trying to survive in a world that did not understand them. Additionally, some hunters and witchers were known to take on jobs for personal gain, rather than for the greater good of the kingdom.   Despite these challenges, the Great Hunt was a pivotal event in the history of Lorian. The eradication of these beasts allowed the people of the kingdom to thrive, and the reputation of the hunters and witchers who took part in it became legendary. The legacy of the Great Hunt lived on, even after the monsters were gone, inspiring future generations of warriors and adventurers to take up the mantle of monster hunting and continue to protect the people of Lorian and then Albion after the Age of Kings ended.   Some say that the last of those beasts escaped the mainland and made home of the Isle of Lyngvi, seeking solace away from the Lorinians. While it is not confirmed, it has led to a great deal of anxiety around the island and many seafarers will avoid the isle at all costs.

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