Old Lorian

Old Lorian is a bustling city located in the western region of Albion, south of Hargreave and known for its rich history and cultural significance. The city was originally called Primara, a humble farming town in the early days of Lorian, but it was renamed Old Lorian after the fall of the Age of Kings. Today, it is the capital of Albion and home to the governing body known as The Magisterium.   The city itself is a marvel of architecture, with towering stone buildings and sprawling streets that wind their way through the heart of the city. The city is divided into several districts, each with its own unique flavour and culture. The noble district is home to the wealthiest and most powerful members of Albion's society, while the merchant district is a hub of trade and commerce, where goods from all across the kingdom can be bought and sold.   One of the most striking features of Old Lorian is Liberty Square, a vast open space surrounded by magnificent buildings and fountains that serves as the heart of the city. Here, people from all walks of life gather to socialize, trade, and conduct business, and it is not uncommon to see bards and performers entertaining the crowds with music and dance.   The Magisterium , the governing body of Albion, is located in the heart of Old Lorian, in a grand building of the same name. The buildings are a marvel of magical engineering, built from rare and precious materials and enchanted with powerful wards to keep it safe from intruders. The Magisterium is composed of a government led by the Grand Chancellor, an elected official who works tirelessly to protect and develop Albion.   Old Lorian is also a city of secrets, with hidden alleys and backstreets that harbour dark and dangerous individuals. Thieves and assassins lurk in the shadows, preying on the unwary and the vulnerable. Even the Magisterium is not immune to corruption, with rumours of bribery and blackmail swirling around the halls of power.   Despite these challenges, Old Lorian remains a beacon of hope and progress in a nation that is still struggling to find its way. Its people are resilient and resourceful, and the city itself is a testament to the power of innovation and of spirit. For adventurers and travellers alike, Old Lorian offers endless opportunities for adventure and discovery, and it is a city that is not to be missed.


  • Dwarf 10%
  • Elf 15%
  • Gnome 11%
  • Halfling 14%
  • Half Elf 11%
  • Half Orc 13%
  • Human 9%
  • Tiefling 17%

Industry & Trade

A metropolis of commerce, Old Lorian houses a great many number of Albion's citizens, notably the aristocracy that formed the Magisterium and serve in it's administration. The borders of the city house a number of farms of both livestock and harvest, while The Folley runs a number of businesses including taverns, inns and vice dens. This same district is rumoured to be where the First Folk first stepped foot on the discovered continent of Zion over 1000 years ago. The size of the city, and its proximity to Talvor, gifts Old Lorian with the scope to house business of varying degree, so much so that there's not much you couldn't get from within this city


The Magisterium - As well as serving as the governmental housing of Albion, the structures that comprise the Magisterium are sights to behold and invite tourists to lay eyes on the marvel.   Cloven Stone Inn - An impossibly old inn known throughout the land for it's friendly atmosphere and honey mead   Phoenix Forge - The enormous anvil of the phoenix forge was used by one of the first folk who left his brand 'Hammerfist' in it's base   The Belmarsh Pool - A large ceremonial reflecting pool that attracts visitors for the supposed healing properties of it's waters
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
The Capital
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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