Grand Chancellor


The Grand Chancellor is elected at the discretion of the people. The sitting Grand Chancellor may stay in their position for 5 years before a new election may take place. However, if the people are happy with the state of the government and it's administration under the leadership of the current Grand Chancellor, they may opt not to hold a new election until such that they deem it necessary to do so


The Grand Chancellor first and foremost is in charge of appointing an administration to run the various sectors of the democratic government. This, of course, is paramount and can often take as long as months to decide. While the new administration is being appointed, the senators of the previous Grand Chancellor continue their duties to keep the government running. Only when a new administration is appointed, do they step down.    Secondly, the duties as Grand Chancellor form themselves in the maintenance of both the internal workings of the province they preside over, and the external diplomatic relationships of other nations.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

After the initial 5 year term has ended, the people may call for an election at any stage to remove and replace the Grand Chancellor. If such time arises that the Grand Chancellor were to pass away or be found guilty of a crime against the state, the High Chancellor shall step in to take over their duties for the remainder of the existing term.
Civic, Diplomatic
Form of Address
Grand Chancellor
Source of Authority
Elected Official
Length of Term
5 years
Related Locations
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