Bloodskull Orc Caves

How Do the Orcs Live?

So, here are some 70 Orcs hiding out in caverns. How do they live, what do they eat, what do they do with their time?

The Orcs are in the thrall of Illithid messengers who come from the Kuo-toan City of the Glass Pool. The mind flayers easily cow and terrify the Orcs; Potions of Domination have forced their leaders further into Illithid control. The Illithids have also pulled off a master stroke by giving the senior priest of Gruumsh here a magical weapon which is Inscribed with a symbol which he interprets as a sign of Gruumsh himself. This has filled the priest and shamans with unholy fervor, and they have made their tribe feel that they are furthering some sacred goal of their patron Power by serving the Illithid. This is hardly rational behavior, but that's orcish religion for you.

The Orcs feed on some of the non-spellcasting prisoners who are often brought here (if the bandit priests don't sacrifice them first), on Cave Lizards and other prey brought up from the deeps by the Illithid, and on whatever they can catch from the pools in their caverns. It isn't a great deal, but it's enough for them to survive. Their priestess can also Create Food & Water at need. The Bloodskull Orc tribe all have tattoos and shield designs of the type PCs may have seen before.



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