
Darld.:anand. Derro Enchanter USlh-level WIZard): AC -0 (bracers of defell~ AC 2. ring O/proltciiotl +5, ~~ritr bonus .MY 12 and special; HD ]2; hp 71, THACO 9; If:AT l; Dmg 1d8+4 (quarterstaff +4 SA spell ... ~ below; SO immune to nonmagical weapons, sec below; MR 25%; SZ M (3'6" ML fearless (20 AL CE; XP 16,000. Str 12, De:'ll: ]7, Con 1O,lnt 19, Wis 18, Clla 9. Spells: dlarm pC'rSOIl, comprehend 1!l1IglllIg.' S, magiC missile (xl), ~llii'ld; Nllr, dllrkllt'ilS 15' rndtu~, tmprot't"d plum/asmal forCt, ~fi/lkillg clOlld, TQSha'~ unL"(If/lrvIlIlNe hidrous lJ1ughtl'r; di~peII/lQgir, lwste, liSId· nillg bolt. ~/ow, ~pcdrQlforct; confll5ion, eloard·s black tmiad($,lmr. polymorph olher, .-;t(ln~kill (pn.>cast telqmrt; CDrljllrt arumnls. globe of illvulllerability, monster summomng IV; monsler Slinunotlltlg V, power word: slull. prismatic spray; "wu, Olto's irrtsistible dance, power word: blind; time stop. Oarlakanand has u!>ed pC(I1umrncy spells 10 grant himself the powers of deleel itlVlSibi/ity, protection from Sood, protec/ioll/rom lIorlllnllllissi1~, and jlYlIIg (the last mentionoo is not normally possible. It helps to add a wis/I to the pt'rmalltmcy). He has the following magical items in addition to those listro above: two ropt'S of clltatlg/cmettl, a trio of ivory goDts (figllrmcs of wondrous pmtlfT), an ejrtf'ti bottlt, four poliotl:; of ex/ra-lleafing, and a scroll (scribed al18th level) bearing the spells dimtnsioll door. polymorph self, sJwpt'ClwIIge, and lime slop.  
Role-Playing Darlakanand

Darlakanand is mad. Not "angry" mad, but deranged, crazed, unpredictable, lunatic, barking mad. On casting his first Time Stop, he screams at the PCs from his throne. He wants them to know what a genius he is. "Bringing all these magical principles together to enhance and magnify the domination! It takes a mind beyond supra-genius to do that!" The little Derro howls with mirth. "What you have done beyond this place only delays that. Delay, no more. We have a hundred kidnapped wizards arriving tomorrow, a thousand the next day, a hundred thousand the day after that - but you will not live to see anything beyond the first group of sacrifices!" The Time Stop is beginning to grow short, so the Derro now lays down his Ivory Goats and casts the first of his Monster Summoning spells. As the Time Stop expires, Darlakanand sits back on his throne, opens his Efreeti Bottle and commands the beautiful female Efreet (Shaharazar) who emerges to "kill them," then reclines with a manic smile to watch the PCs being pulverized. He uses his Maze and Power Word spells to make things more difficult for the PCs and then uses whatever spells he feels like using (as the DM chooses).



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