Geyser Rock

This island has a central fissure which reaches hundreds of feet downwards. Superheated geysers periodically send plumes of smoke and boiling water shooting hundreds of feet into the air. This looks like a good place to avoid. It is.

This is the watch-post of Jaziritheil, a Wastrilith Tanar'ri (Demon). Jaziritheil is here for a specific reason. This tana'ri has an ancient personal grudge against Lillianth, the Marilith leader of the tanar'ri spies (described in the previous chapter). He is carefully observing what she is up to, and waiting for a time when she will try to act against the Baatezu (Devil) of Shaboath (or to make any foray generally against the city). He will then act to stymie her, so that she goes back to the Abyss and her Marilith superior in disgrace. Pleading that Jaziritheil screwed things up for her won't cut any ice with her vicious and capricious superior; she should have been able to deal with a mere wastrilith, after all.

There are wheels within wheels here. The baatezu are broadly allied with the Aboleth; Lillianth's tanar'ri are violently opposed to them, and Jaziritheil intends to indirectly aid the Aboleth by sabotaging Lillianth's plans. The PCs would thus do well, on balance, to eliminate this tanar'ri menace from Geyser Rock. This will not be easy, as the water lord has recruited d4 Ixzan and d3 Water Elementals as his minions. It is just possible that the PCs could use a smart tactic such as persuading Jaziritheil that they, too, want to slay Lillianth and thus lure him into an ambush, which would gain Lillianth's gratitude and help them ally with her (if they want to ally with a marilith, that is). Most likely, though, PCs should give this water lord a wide berth or just attack and slay him as an indirect ally of the Aboleth.

Suggested treasure: The tanar'ri is greedy and avaricious and has his treasure with him, being far too paranoid to leave it balck in the Abyss. Total value should be 45,000 gp. Suggested magic: none.


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