Grand Savant

The Grand Savant has following special powers, usable at will:


Twice per day, it can spew forth a Shaboath Golem, requiring an entire combat round to do so. The watery bulk of the Grand Savant's body fluids counts as a large body of water for the purpose of Shaboath Golem and Water Elemental proximity to water. The Grand Savant can Detect Invisibility within 120 feet.


It has the following additional special defenses:

  • Immune to gaseous attacks
  • Immune to polymorphing
  • Immune to blindness/deafness attacks
  • Immune to feeblemind and phantasmal killer effects

Level 10

mTHAC0: 3

PSPs: 450

Telepathic Sciences:Mindlink, Mass Domination, Domination, Fate Link, Hallucination, Mass Contact, Mindflame, Probe, Superior Invisibility

Telepathic Devotions:False Sensory Input, Awe, Impossible Task, Inflict Pain, Invincible Foes, Passive Contact, Psionic Vampirism

Psionic Attack Modes:Ego Whip, Id Insinuation, Psychic Crush, Mind Thrust

Psionic Defense Modes:Thought Shield, Intellect Fortress, Tower of Iron Will


It knows the following priest spells: Bless, Command, Curse, Darkness (x2), Protection from Good, Barkskin, Enthrall, Hold Person (x2), Sanctify; Continual Darkness, Dispel Magic (x2), Emotion Control, Glyph of Warding; Cloak of Fear, Free Action, Spell Immunity; Dispel Good, True Seeing; Conjure Animals, and the following wizard spells: Magic Missile, Phantasmal Force, Taunt, Wall of Fog (x2 Glitterdust, Improved Phantasmal Force, Ray of Enfeeblement, Stinking Cloud, Web; Dispel Magic (x2), Lightning Bolt, Slow, Spectral Force; Confusion, Emotion (fear), Phantasmal Killer, Polymorph Other; Shadow Monsters; Animate Dead, Conjure Elemental (air, earth, water), Feeblemind, Hold Monster, Wall of Force; Conjure Animals, Monster Summoning IV, Repulsion; Monster Summoning V, Power Word Stun; Monster Summoning VI, Prismatic Wall; Monster Summoning VII.


Any hit on the Grand Savant with an edged weapon causes a gout of acidic body fluids to spurt out over the weapon user (if within 30 feet), causing 2d10 points of damage (a successful saving throw vs. rod/wand/staff halves this damage). Any strike with a melee weapon means that the attacker must make a saving throw vs. spell or suffer transformation of his or her skin into a clear membrane as per the attack of a normal Aboleth.



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