Gerald the Chipmunk


Created by Jiao he was partnered with Joe Rossi during CAMP Year One of CAMP    He can spit fireballs.   He framed the Students for burning down a house, mainly Hyria Valeriana    He attacked Theo in a bathroom.   He sells drugs.   He was blown up by Hyria.

Known History

First Appears in Legends of Aldatu, and is the pet or Jiao , he helps them a lot before appearing as a villian in CAMP Year One . By this time he is a drug dealer and crime boss. He causes the explosion at the Admin building of College for Adventurers at Minos Point . He is eventually defeated by the students

Long Summery of CAMP Year One 

  Gerald’s story in Season 1 is a complex tale of deception, crime, and eventual downfall, intertwined with the darker undercurrents at College for Adventurers at Minos Point 
Introduction and Mysterious Behavior: Gerald is first introduced as a somewhat suspicious figure within the academy. His behavior raises concerns among the students and faculty, particularly when he begins acting strangely and avoiding attention.
  The Plan to Catch Gerald: Early in the season, a plan is devised by Rossi to catch Gerald, who is suspected of being involved in illegal activities. This plan includes blowing up the old chemistry lab, which leads to chaos on campus and further suspicion surrounding Gerald’s actions.
  Revelation as a Drug Lord: It is eventually revealed that Gerald is not just a suspicious character but a major player in the criminal underworld. He is exposed as a drug lord operating within the academy, which shocks the students and staff. His involvement in the drug trade connects him to other key figures and events at the school, including the distribution of Sundrop, a magical antidepressant.
  Involvement in Larger Conspiracies: Gerald’s activities are linked to broader conspiracies involving other characters, such as Vert and Consul Gaius Basil . It is revealed that Gerald was recruited by Senator Basil as part of a larger plan to shut down East Side High and redevelop the land. This connection places Gerald at the center of a political and criminal web that influences much of the season's events.
  The Final Downfall: As the season progresses, Gerald’s criminal empire begins to unravel. He is eventually captured and tortured for information, revealing critical details about the ongoing conspiracies and his connections to powerful figures. Gerald’s downfall is a key turning point in the season, exposing the extent of corruption and crime within the academy and its surrounding areas.
  Humorous Moments: Despite his dark role, Gerald is involved in some humorous moments, such as when he is unexpectedly found in a bathroom during a tense scene, adding a touch of irony to his otherwise serious and sinister character arc.
  Legacy and Impact: Gerald’s actions have far-reaching consequences throughout the season. His involvement in the drug trade, connections to other criminals, and ultimate capture contribute to the unraveling of several key plots, making him a significant figure in the overarching story of Season 1.
  Gerald’s story in Season 1 is a narrative of hidden villainy and eventual exposure. His role as a drug lord and his involvement in larger conspiracies make him a pivotal character whose actions drive much of the season’s conflict and resolution. His eventual downfall marks a significant turning point in the academy’s struggle against the criminal forces at work within and beyond its walls.


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