Gaius Basil


Father of Octavia Basil   Warlock of Baalzebul   Former Consul of Bliznia and Senator of Bliznia   Descendent of Ormund Basil   Owner of Basil Mansion   A man who sold his soul, and his daughters, to make him a powerful man, though never the most powerful.   Father law to Percival Bloom.  

Known History

  First elected as Consul of Bliznia before CAMP Year One .
At some point he accepts Baalzebul as his patron.
During CAMP Year One he sets up the marriage between his daughter Octavia Basil and Senate of Bliznia lawyer Percival Bloom .
During CAMP Year Two he sets up the The Wedding of Percival Bloom and Octavia Basil and officates it. During the wedding the Bliznia Senate Building is burned down and the three of them become full devils.
He goes missing during the end of Bliznian Civil War and is assumed dead.    


Gaius Basil is the Consul of Bliznia, a powerful political figure and leader within the city. He plays a central role in Bliznia's governance and is known for his calculated, strategic decisions that maintain order and influence in the city. Gaius Basil’s leadership is marked by his ability to navigate complex political landscapes, often with a focus on consolidating power. His family's influence, particularly through connections like the marriage of Percy and Octavia Basil, ties him deeply to the city's aristocracy and ongoing political intrigue.


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