Lomuk The Wise

The Current Consul is Lomuk The Wise, an orc and barbarian, who has calmed his rage, and now worked his way to the top of the Senate. He is a former Commander of the City Defense Legion, and has held various other posts. Including a Generalship during the The War of the Copper Prince whenGaradoa 's Senate voted to support Alea . His entry into the war was shot lived as the Senate pulled support less than a year into the campaign. Lomuk wins one more battle, after they have withdrawn, against the forces of the Copper Prince himself, Safi Korriban . Lomuk respected the prince, and saw their withdrawal much more positively after that.   He has a white beard and many tattoos. He wears a white toga with a purple stripe.   He is married to a human woman, and has a daughter who is 13.   They live not far from the marketplace in a modest home for a family of his stature.     He was once known as Lomuk the Angry and built a gang to combat The Black Crest . His gang was called "The Angry."   He battled with the Crest many times before eventually withdrawing from the gang wars and focusing on his political life.


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