Myths Six

General Summary

Irie Eltoris Tidbit Vanan Kulte Alistair the Righteous Isaiah Oculus Boom Deadshot    The players resumed Combat as Tidbit found his way into the vault. The giant gargoyle was tough but the heroes defeated it.   Vanan asks "How long as Zerekoa  been dead?" and determines he has only been a few minutes. He channels his god and casts revivify, however the body is unfazed, a portal open above them inside the vault and a headless body wearing the symbol of the The Cosmic Order falls though it. Otokoa and Izarra float through it and kill Ryan Muga, she rants about what is happening and then kills every other member of the Cosmic Order, filling the vault with headless bodies.   The heroes then go to leave, only to learn the skys are red and black and storming with a new unleashed evil. Boom gets the crew into his dorm at the college and they discuss their next steps.    The Queen of Air and Darkness appears as a weasel and takes Irie's Amulet of the Planes, forcing everyone into the Feywild.   They are still in the dorm, but now the college is damaged and abandoned.
Report Date
09 Sep 2022


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