

A halfling rouge that was raised in the ratways of Laban he quickly forms relationships with bigger people as protection, once working with the The Ratfull Dodgers . He also worked for Sinclair Westwood when he ran the The Wandering Lost .   He eventually found and bonded with Irie Eltoris , even living under the stairs.    Played by Rebel.   A player character during Myths of Aldatu . He was a constant source of chaos for the heroes trying to stop Heriot and Besar .   He becomes the god of Chaos within the Pantheon of Minos   He is the patron of Pip , who is his grandson that he raised in the Feywilde , and Jabez both students at College for Adventurers at Minos Point .    Father of    Sometimes lover of Eromena {New God}    During the The Laban Paradox  he meets a past version of himself.   Appears in Legacy of Westwood .   Has a gem for an eye, made of cobalt, that grants him magical sight.  

Known History

He first appeared in Myths of Aldatu as an ally of Irie Eltoris .
He is a central figure during the story of the rise of the New Gods, himself ascending during this time just before the Treaty of the New Gods .
During the destruction of Laban, which is considered The Laban Paradox he meets a former version of himself, just before they both die.
He settled down for a while, but got bored and went back to causing trouble, however that can be done.

Piety Myths

  The Ratways - Tidbit grew up as a halfling rouge, stealing and scavenging in the most dangerous ways possible, yet he survived. (One Luck Die Per Day)   A Loyal Ally - Tidbit partnered with many different people over the year, some platonic, some romantic, and always loyal. Tidbit was a loyal ally of Iris, of Eromena, even, once upon a time, Sinclair. (Once per day you can roll for Divine Intervention, on a Nat20 you receive interference from one of Tidbits Allys)   An Eye for the Shiny - Tidbit has a cobolt eye that helps him spot treasure. (+2d4 once per day when looking for treasure or loot)   Two Bits - One Day Tidbit is crawling through the ratways when the city is bombarded with meteors. He comes face to face with an older version of himself. The city crashes down on them and both are very injured. The older Tidbit saves the younger tidbit and tells him everything he can about the future. (During the first round of combat, you have advantage on saving throws and +4 AC to any attacks against you before your turn in the initiative order.)   Roll With Chaos - Tidbit is a god of chaos and feeds on panic. He is known or doing things very right, or very wrong. (You may force a roll with emphasis over a roll with advantage, or disadvantage three times per day.)   Stab Them First - Tidbit stabbed the god of death the first time he met him. (Once per day you can double your surprise attack damage dice)   Riding the Fiend - Tidbit was known to jump on the back of demons and fiends and control them like beasts. (+2d4 on any animal handling, or any CHA check against fiends, demons, or devils, once per day)




Towards Tidbit




Towards Iris




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