

The God of Underdogs of Minos    God on the Pantheon of Minos .   Was Isaiah Oculus when he was a mortal.   Ascended during Myths of Aldatu .   Signed the Treaty of the New Gods .   Helped Capture Besar during the Second Battle of Burdina .   Sided with Deidolo during the Hell    Sided against Iris during the Divine Coup .        


  The Goal of Underdogs is to save the innocent, and to make bullys pay. He actively wonders the world as a blind man, in order to protect those who are meek.
He has a soft spot for the arts, and will sometimes command his followers to protect his favorite artists.
  Relationships   He will work with any other god if it serves his purpose, but does try to avoid Besar when possible, but will reach out if he needs to. He is a friend of Tempest and Knowledge.   Worshiping   Most often evoked when luck is far from in ones favor, he is also now worshiped as a force of karma.    

Piety Myths 

  Underdogs to Gods - the story of how he helped a group of heroes become gods. (Once per day you can give an ally +1d8 to hit)   The Blind Painter - the story of a skilled blind painter (Once per day, for one hour, you may gain Blindsight(60ft))   The Devils Pass - A small group of soilders, including Underdogs, holds off a much, much larger army. (When in a fight where you are outnumbered you and all allys gain a +2AC)   Sword of the Underdogs- Finally, bind, in stone and magic, my blade and leave it for an underdog, a protector, a creator. One who knows my name and whose blood has been fed with mine. A child of our world and my dream for it. A true Holy Avenger, who will follow not my will or anyone else’s, but find his own way to do right, not by the many or the few, but to all. (Once per day, you may add 3 dice of fire damage to a single attack)   The Underdog and the Fey - Iris challenges Oculus to a race and he accepts. Oculus is much faster, but Irie is well versed in magic and doesn't think it's possible for him to beat her. She either stops time or teleports to the finish line and waits for him. When he eventually gets there, he kicks her in the leg hard enough to break it and she ends up unable to cross the finish line before him. (Once per day you may cause an enemy to critically fail a role)


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