The Dragons Nest


The HQ of the The Reptillions Reptilians    Was sold to Glitz the Rapscallion by Theo Atzetari between CAMP Year One and CAMP Year Two of CAMP     



Architecture: The building is constructed from dark, newer wood, giving it a high class and new apperence. . The front features a large, heavy wooden door reinforced with iron bands. The door is adorned with a massive, stylized dragon emblem, marking it unmistakably as the gang's territory.
Signage: Above the entrance, a large, neon sign shaped like a dragon’s head reads "The Dragon’s Nest." The eyes of the dragon occasionally flicker with red light, adding to the ominous vibe.
Surroundings: The area around the bar is rough and industrial, with few other establishments nearby.


Main Room: Inside, the bar is dimly lit, with the primary light sources being flickering torches and the occasional glow from enchanted dragon statues placed strategically around the room. The floor is made of worn wooden planks, and the walls are lined with dark tapestries depicting various dragons in flight or battle.
Bar Area: The bar itself is made from polished black stone, with dragon claw-shaped stools lining the counter. Behind the bar, shelves are stocked with strong ales, meads, and various potent spirits, many with draconic names like “Firebreather’s Whiskey” and “Frostbite Ale.”
Seating: The seating is a mix of heavy wooden tables and large, leather-cushioned chairs. Each table has an engraved dragon crest in the center. The atmosphere is rough but organized, with a clear hierarchy among the patrons.
Decor: Weapons, such as axes and swords, hang on the walls, alongside dragon-themed memorabilia like old banners, shields, and the preserved skulls of smaller draconic creatures. A large, well-maintained fireplace dominates one wall, with a roaring fire that gives the room a warm, if somewhat menacing, glow.
Back Rooms: The bar has several back rooms accessible only to gang members. These rooms are used for meetings, planning operations, and storing contraband. The largest of these rooms features a long, dragon-themed table where the gang’s leaders gather to discuss their next moves.


Clientele: The bar is filled mostly with Dragonborn gang members, who are typically clad in leather armor with dragon-scale patterns and patches denoting their rank within the gang. Non-Dragonborn patrons are rare and usually treated with suspicion or outright hostility.
Music and Entertainment: A small stage in one corner occasionally hosts bards who play heavy, rhythmic music, often with a tribal beat. The sound of clinking mugs, the murmur of deep voices, and the occasional brawl fills the air, making it clear this is a place where toughness is respected.
Rules and Conduct: The Dragon’s Nest operates under a strict code of honor, and any disrespect or breaking of the gang's rules is dealt with swiftly. The bartenders and bouncers are all seasoned members of the gang, and they keep a close watch on everything that happens within the bar.
The Dragon’s Nest is more than just a bar; it’s a stronghold and a symbol of the gang’s power in Bliznia, a place where the Dragonborn come together to plan, celebrate, and enforce their rule over their territory.


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