

Reptilians   Kelxan Worwax , a red dragonborn who is a bussinessman first, gangster second.
  The street level gansgter cap is Yuldith Kaqwen , she is a tough and powerful silver dragonborn. She has two Lts, Vomrath Orlaga  and Anox Priberth .
  Clem  – Dragonborn who runs the drugs to College of Adventurers at Minos Point  for the Reptillians
  Parash  – Dragonborn who runs the drugs to Bliznea High for the Reptillians
  Krom  – Dragonborn who runs drugs into the East Side
  Nyilthak  – dragonborn who runs the drugs into town
  Mommes  – dragonborn who gets drugs from the fey
  Krem  – Dragonborn who handles payments from senators
  Shupic  – Dragonborn who handles protection from the shops
  Yunxan  – dragonborn who handles protection money for private homes
  Qarl - killed by Folantis Pluma 
    Run by Glitz the Rapscallion
    Eventually disbanded after Bliznian Civil War  with many joining the new East Side Cobras

Known History

Shows up in Bliznia after Glitz the Rapscallion buys a deed off Theo Atzetari . This spirals into a gang war with the East Side Cobras .
Many die during the war, with both sides having defectors, and both sides eventually coming together towards the end of Bliznian Civil War . 
After the war the gang is disbanded and many members known the new Cobras under Theo Atzetari . Glitz stays independent with a  small crew and a promise not to expand illegally.


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