Baz Tertu


Baz Tertu is the son of Triti and Zortgilea     In our time line he is a cleric of the Tempest, a student of Iris .   He helps run the temple at Karaigída   He is the God of Peace.  

Known History

  He first appears in Legacy of Eltoris as an adult as the Agents of the Carot jump through time. He is the bad guy, and he is killed.
He later appears many more times, in many more times. Through out his life the Agents of the Carot show up and they sometimes battle, sometimes talk. When the agents wish for a new timeline they cause the Paradox of Baz .    In the new timeline Baz is raised in peace on Karaigída . He is raised besides Chrissy Halison and taught to be clerics of Iris .  Later, he is there when Chrissy kills his grandmother and eventually follows Chrissy to the Feywilde . They are followed and tracked down by their parents and brought back into the fold.
Later he agrees to stay with Chrissy and Christos in the past and protect a group of Shadar Kai refugees.
After his mortal life, he ascends to become the God of Peace. 

Piety Myths 

  Fighting For Peace - Baz will do whatever is needed to ensure peace. (Twice per day, advantage on any CHA check, or hit roll))     A Best Friend - Baz grew up with Chrissy, and lived a good life with him. ((Choose One player per session to get Advantage on every roll))   The Good Timeline - One out of so many, Baz understands the meaning of a roll of the die (Oncer Per day you may make any roll a 17 on the Die)   The Bad Timeline - Baz slaughters the world. ((Once Per day, you may make any attack roll a crit success))   Peace from Chaos - Baz wanted to control the world, but chaos was always stronger, until he seized it. ((Once Per day when you roll with advantage or disadvantage or Emphasis, you may choose the die you use))


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