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Erux Pho

The End Bringer

Erux Pho is the Theotian of undeath, ruin, and negative energy. The God of Undeath is a beacon amongst undead kind. Not of the original pantheon, they are thought to have stolen the secret of undeath from Glojarl many centuries ago. In today's age, nearly all undead are associated with Erux Pho, the rare few being the wanderers of Glojarl. Some even think the Amuru'shi curse is a product of Erux Pho's machinations.   Undead in general are dangerous. Uncontrolled, they are slavering monsters that seek naught but death. They have brought down nations in the past, and Erux Pho would have it no other way. To them and their followers, bringing about the end so a new world of death is their goal. A world where negative energy is the dominant.   Erux Pho's main worshippers are dark cults within the Realms down Under, undead civilizations such as Entil'synth within Mortl'krak, and lone necromancers. Strangely enough, intelligent undead hate the idea that their existence is owed to some dark god, creatures like Mohrgs and Bodaks hating the Deathstalker.   Why Erux Pho wishes to envelope the world in undeath is hard to say. Many say it is a crazed wish, to mold the world to suit them. Others think the god themselves was a malign creation of The Primordial Wyrm, a check to make sure the world has something to fight against so it doesn't grow complacent. Whatever reason Erux Pho follows, the threat is always there.


Erux Pho is depicted as a Skeleton with gem encrusted eyes and dripping bloody bones. Their symbol is a strange icon that resembles a t with ornate patterns.

Divine Domains

Decay (Death as associated domain)
Entropy (Destruction as associated domain)

Tenets of Faith

  • Envelope the world in negative energy.
  • Bring the ruin of the living.
  • Create as much undead as possible.
Divine Classification
Favored Weapon
True Deity
Neutral Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Deathstalker, God of Undeath, The Negative Being
Main Planes
Indelcaun & The Negative Energy Plane
Holy Symbol/Sigil
Ornate Cross


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