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Denizens of the seas, the sharkfolk of Aldebaran are a brutal, individualistic, wanderlusting people. The origins of Garuvak are thought to be the same as many other beastfolk, a form of lycanthropy from eons past that split from the were version we see today. Having especially long life spans, many are able to speak of times from many years ago, some even before the Year of Destruction and the discovery of the Soul of the Ocean. Not particularly bright or personable, they're often rough grifters. They integrate into established communities, port towns around the pirate continent Slizeth or underwater kingdoms of Hyperboreas just for example.   Garuvak are always moving, and most are easily set off. Lovers of battle and themselves, they often worship the war gods Karnassus, Vin Kon Junai, Doko, and hold a special place in their hearts for Io. Prone towards neutral to chaotic dispositions, Garuvak often find themselves selling their services to those willing to pay for their muscle. They live for a long time, and have seen many things pass. They tend to have a nihilistic view on a lot of subjects, and prefer to live in the moment. Thus, they don't really hold much loyalty to anything in particular. When it comes to personal honor though, every Garuvak has their own particular creed they follow in some way or another.   Garuvak propagate very rarely. They also do not make for good parents. Typically they'll have a child and leave them to fend for themselves. Whether this was between two Garuvak or a Garuvak and some other race, it tends not to matter to them. There's a personal belief that it's better not to get attached, and that the child should be enamored with the world before they become as jaded as they have. Of course cases may differ. Perhaps a Garuvak has grown tired and seeks to settle down, seeking a quiet end. Pella's Wish is a popular Garuvak retirement home, along with a bunch of other old pirates.  


Garuvak are very large averaging around 7ft, and are typically very heavy, usually coming in around 300-400lbs. They are humanoid sharks. They have large heads to hold their chompers in, and they have two four digit webbed hands and two digitigrade or plantigrade webbed legs. On the side of their neck are sets of gills they use to breathe, and they have a dorsal backfin and a big heavy tail. There are a few Garuvak that have been seen to have a line of bone spikes along their spine. Some have also been reported to be more akin to hammer heads. Some with tiger esque patterns along their flesh, and other such varieties.  


Type Humanoid/(Aquatic)
Ability Score Modifier +2 Strength, +2 Constitution or Dexterity, -2 to Intelligence or Charisma
Size medium
Speed 30ft, 50ft swim;
Language Garuvak speak one regional language, Sisrian, and Undercommon. Garuvak with high Intelligence scores can select any language (excluding secret languages).

Co-Authored by Tribbles

Racial Traits:

  • [3 RP] Vicious Jaws: Garuvak have jaws that crush with devastating force. They gain a natural bite attack (1d8). This bite causes bleed (1d6).
  • [1 RP] Water Sense: Garuvak are able to detect minute changes and electrical signals in bodies of water. They gain blindsense 30ft. while in water, but only for creatures within the same body of water.
  • [0 RP] Amphibious: Garuvak are amphibious creatures, and can breath underwater just as easily as they can above.
  • [2 RP] Darkvision: Garuvak can see up to 60ft. in complete darkness.
  • [2 RP] Natural Armor: Garuvak have tough, leathery skin. They gain a +1 natural armor bonus.
  • [2 RP] Swim: Garuvak are very capable swimmers, gaining a swim speed of 50ft. and a +8 racial bonus to Swim checks.
  • [2 RP] Blood Scent: A Garuvak can notice wounded creatures by scent in a 180-foot radius underwater. A creature under a bleed effect can be detected up to one mile away.
  • [2 RP] Garuvak Ferocity: Once per day, when a Garuvak is brought below 0 hit points but not killed, he can fight on for 1 more round as if disabled. At the end of his next turn, unless brought to above 0 hit points, he immediately falls unconscious and begins dying.
  • [-3 RP] Ampullae Sensitivity: Garuvak are carefully attuned to electrical energies. Whenever subjected to a spell that has the electricity descriptor, they must make a Will Save equal to the original DC of the spell or effect or become sickened for 1 hour and lose their Water Sense ability for that same duration. If a Garuvak suffers electricity damage, they must make a Fortitude Save equal to 10 + the damage dealt or be staggered until the end of their next turn.


Racial Feats

Blood Bite - Successive bites increase bleed damage die.
Scientific Name
Pistris Hominem   Origin/Ancestry
Chondrichthyes   Lifespan
500-700   Typical Habitat
Underwater regions in the seas near civilization, coastal towns and ports, prefer warm environments.   Average Physique
Big and tough with hard leathery skin. Typically gray and white.


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