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The 2nd Moon

The second sister of the moon sister triplets, Io is the neutral moon of self-interest. Not swaying towards any far axis, Io encourages her followers to do as they will. No limitless ambition, no need to go out of your way for others, the god simply asks her followers to realize their own wishes. Followers of Io follow their own path. If that happens to help others or harm them, so be it. Part of the creation myth, So'lith is their assumed father. Io, along with Charon and Lunayin shook off his shackles and became the moon gods Aldebaran attributes with the actual moons.   As a moon god, she has some means of control over water. Not nearly as much as the closest sister Lunayin, but more than Charon. She also is one of the rare accessors of dreams, a very cryptic realm that all are able to access in some way or another similar to Omorful'henzio Khakranzee. Some believe it is the realm where the Predatorial Eye discovered the dark truth. If so though, Io doesn't seem to have the same insane thoughts as it.   Io doesn't have as many followers as her two other sisters, nor do her followers attempt to sway people with her idealogy. It's believed she prefers it that way. For those that seek the path to self-realization, they'll find her if they wish. Otherwise, Io isn't so arrogant as to assume she is needed in the first place for most to find that out.


A beautiful but defiant woman depicted as many different races, with long flowing dancing scarves. Her symbol is that of a golden moon with three tear drops.

Divine Domains


Tenets of Faith

  • Realize your own truth.
  • Let no law get in your way.
Divine Classification
Favored Weapon
Bladed Scarves
True Deity
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Second Sister, The Fanciful Moon, The Dreamer
Main Planes
Holy Symbol/Sigil
White Moon with three drops


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