Ama Ojai in Aldern | World Anvil

Ama Ojai (ah MAH Oh jah)

Ojai Melamar


Like many of the Ama Tree that grew inside of Karasaanu, little is recorded of Ama Ojai. It began growing in 1000 pre-sc and burned with its forest during Dragonfall in 3000sc. The Elf community living in Ojai had a friendly relationship the Shrog of Shakosha (the Drymire). After the fall of the Areian Nations the few survivors of the Ojai community eventually found their way to Zalpula. These elves advicated for human freedom during Zalpula's early years. They also made pilgimages out to the burned remains of Ama Ojai. Some to pay tribute to their lost home, others to bury their dead loved ones at the ancestral site.


While Zalpula was at its height, Ama Ojai burned stump remained open to the air. Ojai elves making pilgrimages keeping the sands of the Desert of Anbar away. As the ages passed, however, and the original elves passed from the world, these pilgrimages became a thing of the past, and largely forgotten. Today Ojai's stump is buried beneath a mountain of sand known as Ojai Mound, a landmark for travels brave enough to journey between Lhakamed and Yaren Juhl.


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