Desert of Anbar Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Desert of Anbar

the Karasaanu Desert


Largely known the world over as the 'Desert of Anbar,' the Karasaanu Desert comprises most of the Western Reach of Ethae's main body, excluding the furtile northern peninsulas. The desert itself stretches from the Cota Ocean in the west to Yaren Juhl in the east, with some debate on whether the Mountains of Poe are considered part of the desert. Craddle Valley, though somewhat a desert itself, is considered by all to not be part of the Desert of Anbar, however.


According to ancient accounts the lands that make up the desert were once covered in a vast forest known as Karasaanu, said to be homeland of the Elf. If these accounts are true, the forest was destroyed by Dragon in the Kephic Age in the event known as Dragonfall. The forest burned to ash; the ground melted to glass; surviving elves scattered. The trees that survived the burning were said to have turned to stone in the Magic eruptions that followed the attack. Over the ages these broken trees, scorched ground, and glass sheets broke down into the sand particles that cover the land today.


The skies above the desert are often clear of any clouds during the summer months and temperatures in the central regions often reach 150 degrees Fahrenheit, Winters can see temperatures below -60 degrees at night. The coastal regions are much more hospitable, with far more temperate weather.


Rainfall is rare, being nonexistent during summer, while winter rains are more frequently sleet or hail, freezing into ice at night. Water should not be trusted in the deep desert, as the ash within the sand has strange toxins that cause hallucinations and even death. Oasis should be avoided unless traveling with an experienced Lhakamen guide, who knows methods of treating the water for use.


The Anon (magic) is unpredictable across the desert, often it manifests in wild ways with bazaar results, or is altogether nonexistent. Those traveling through the desert that have studied and tuned their bodies to use the Anon often feel dizzy and suffer from headaches throughout their time in the land.


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