Drymire Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Drymire (SHAW koe shaw)

Shakosha, the Great Swamp of Old


Through most of Ethae early history, Shakosha was a subtropical wetland covering a large portion of northern Karasaanu, east of the Areian Peaks. Largely acting as a drainage basin for many rivers flowing out of the mountains around Yaren Juhl, Shakosha held one of the most diverse biomes of life on the continent.


Early habitation of the region dates back to the Randagri Period as hunters moved into the wetlands. These early Human would become the Shrog culture, hunter-gatherers of the swamps that the Elf of Mya Toeman Mair largely left alone, thinking them to primitive to interact with on any intellectual level.


Shakosha was severally damaged with the rest of Karasaanu in the Dragonfall event that brought down the Areian Nations. The Shrog along the western edge scattered into the Areian Peaks, though to the east, in the wetlands did not survive. Burned and dried, Skakosha lingered on for a century before slowly dying completely, with Dragonfall transforming the regions ecosystem forever.


Through the rest of the Kephic Age, rivers drainage through the region that once to reach feed the swamp, now flowed through to Tobia's Gulf. The severe scars on the land by the Dragon left the lands a mucky mess of ashy mud. by the end of the Valmon Age the region was calling the Drymire. Little water passes through the land. The once vast marshland was now a salt crusted land where little grows. Seasonal rains in Tinjir, primarily along the gulf coast, sees flooding in the Drymire making the it an impassible bog of quicksand and thick clay.



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