Argentavis Myth in Aldern | World Anvil

Argentavis (ar jent AVIS)

the Divine Bird of the Sea


Argentavis is a, believed, mythical Roc from the ancient world. According to the Akadian the great bird led a ship lost sailors, the Portomic Pirates to safety after a storm. This land turned out to be the Tooth of Thoamaine which the survivors named the Portius Peninsula. It is here the sailors settled and the Akadian people were born.


There is little description of Argentavis in the lore, beyond being described as the largest roc in the world. The legends claim Argentavis to be the father/mother of all roc. The sex is unclear, with some tribes claiming one in their stories, while another claims the other sex.


For the Akadians, Argentavis is a divine being, on par with, if not actually an Aggel. Stories persist of the divine bird appearing in times of need, when the Akadian people as a whole are at risk. An end of the world prophecy in Akadian culture states that when the end times come Argentavis will appear in the world once more and carry the Akadians to the Beyond Aldern on his/her back.


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