Roc Species in Aldern | World Anvil


the Raptors of the Anbar


According to ancient sources, birds of prey rivaling Dragon in size, flew the skies of Aldern, coming to the ground only to nest at the peaks of mountains. Their great wings carrying them to the edge of the Aldern, touching Alan. By the rise of the Areian Nations the greatest of the roc were gone from the world. Their descendants, though far from the massive birds of old, still matched the average dragon in size. The roc dwelt among the mountains of Anbar, keeping the dragons distant. Most of these wonders of the ancient world vanished from Aldern with Dragonfall. The survivors joined the Elf, in generations that followed, to seek vengeance on the dragons.


The modern-day rocs are exclusively found in Tinjir. There are considered 14 species throughout the land, 9 of which are found in the mountains of the Portius Peninsula. The 3 dwelling in the Lhakamed are the largest, but also the rarest, believed to only have a few dozen alive today, most being male. Their extinction is believed coming within the current generation of mankind's lifetime. The final 2 are the smallest and smartest of the birds. They dwell primarily in the air about the Cota Ocean, nesting on the islands. These avian are deeply connected to the Elf, acting as mounts for their air cavalry units.


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